I have a problem with POST cURL request to my application. Currently, I'm building RESTFUL registration function using laravel 5.
The routes for this is example is
I pass value using cURL function on terminal
curl -d 'fname=randy&lname=tan&id_location=1&email=randy@randytan.me&password=randytan&remember_token=Y&created_at=2015-03-03' localhost:8000/auth/register/
And this is my routes.php
Route::post('user/create', 'UserController@create');
And this is my function to store the registration user
public function create()
//function to create user.
$userAccounts = new User;
$userAccounts->fname = Request::get('fname');
$userAccounts->lname = Request::get('lname');
$userAccounts->id_location = Request::get('id_location');
$userAccounts->email = Request::get('email');
$userAccounts->password = Hash::make(Request::get('password'));
$userAccounts->created_at = Request::get('created_at');
return Response::json(array(
'error' => false,
'user' => $userAccounts->fname . " " . $userAccounts->lname
), 200);
Executing the cURL syntax above, I'm getting this error TokenMismatchException
Do you have any ideas?
Because I'm implementing middleware only in my few urls, and this cURL registration url is not tight into any authentication mechanism.
Thanks before.
function in classVerifyCsrfToken
. I addedif( $request->is( "api*" ) ) return $next($request);
just before the return. Now all requests to /api* get through CSFR. – Eamorr Jun 1 '15 at 8:21