



Lens::find($_POST['lens_select'])->camera->update(array('camera_id' => 0));

反正。你在你的关系中使用默认的列名。就我的理解,你的相机和镜头lens_id } { ID,ID camera_id {,}。我不知道为什么你想有两个关系。只定义一个实体作为家长和中学作为一个孩子是多对多的关系威胁,但只有一行。

所以你的相机应该有:{编号,其他属性…},你的镜头应该有:{编号,camera_id }

Now you have a scene where Camera is a 'master' and Lens is 'slave'. Camera do not hold reference to lens, it is lens who hold ref to camera. Now "$this->belongsTo" makes sense in Lens and "$this->hasOne" in Camera.

And you will still be able to fetch relations in both ways to $camera->save( $lens ) , $lens->camera()->associate( $camera ) will work, and $camera->lens->somethign will work and $lens->camera->something will work.








function changeLensOnCamera() {
    DB::update('UPDATE lens SET camera_id = 0 WHERE camera_id = '.$_POST['camera_id']);
DB::update('UPDATE lens SET camera_id = '.$_POST['camera_id'].' WHERE id = '.$_POST['lens_select']);
return Redirect::to('cameras');

Any pointers on how this can be represented in Eloquent? Your var_dump() came in handy to debug the process step by step but that first step of setting camera_id to 0 where camera_id = the requested camera ID doesn't seem to run. In my mind, associate() should be doing this in the background.





class Lens extends Eloquent {
  public function camera() { 
    $this->belongsTo( 'Camera' ); 

class Camera extends Eloquent {
  public function lens() {
    $this->hasOne( 'Lens' );

function changeLensOnCamera() {

  $cameraId = Input::get( 'camera_id' );
  $lensSelect = Input::get( 'lens_select' );

  $camera = Camera::find( $cameraId );
  $oldLens = $camera->lens;

  if ( $oldLens ) {
    $oldLens->camera()->associate( null );

  $camera->lens()->associate( Lens::find( $lensSelect ) );
  return Redirect::to( 'cameras' );


If it does not work this way, just go straight with $oldNews->camera_id = null

Its Eloquent, it is not like Doctrine, i mean so offical. Eloquent is much closer to DB than other ORMs and its just the way it works. I see nothing wrong in setting camera_id - its just like you do User::where( 'id' ,'=' , $id )->where( 'active' , '=' , 1 )->first(); You still have to find something using raw db column.

If it would be my project, I would just go with camera_id = null. To be honest, there is no "elegant" or "unelegant" ways to do things in web development (and programming). Its just all about, look at your code - will another programmer know what is going on here by looking at this method? If its clear, leave it as is. This is the most important thing, to make your code be easly understandable for other programmers (which reduces maintain cost).
