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How to Make Optionally Hidden Node Titles in Drupal (Using CCK)


In the popular open-source content management system (CMS) Drupal, titles display on every page as part of the Content Management System's functionality. But what if you don't want to have the titles display on some pages? For example, if you want to use a banner instead of the plain title. There's an easy way to make Drupal's node titles optional using the Content Construction Kit (CCK) module.6.x

Presumably you already have Drupal installed if you're reading this. If not, check out Drupal. It's a powerful CMS that is has a great community of developers. Many sites from well-known companies are powered by Drupal. Even the White House's website is powered by Drupal!

What you'll need to get started:

  • Drupal 6.x (something similar should work with 5.x, but I haven't tested it)
  • Content Construction Kit (CCK) for Drupal 6.
  • NOTE: Most of CCK's functionality has been moved to core in Drupal 7, so downloading the CCK module won't be necessary for Drupal 7 once it's released.

If you don't already have CCK installed, download and install it to your Drupal site now.

Step 1 — Finding content types settings
Once you've installed CCK, go to the "content types" section of Drupal admin (found at /admin/content/types).

