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'\n' : childS[i].innerText; else if (childS[i].nodeType==3) anyString += childS[i].nodeValue; } return anyString; } ); } ////add innerText to FireFox End function ToHex(n) { var h, l; n = Math.round(n); l = n % 16; h = Math.floor((n / 16)) % 16; return (hexch[h] + hexch[l]); } function DoColor(c, l) { var r, g, b; r = '0x' + c.substring(1, 3); g = '0x' + c.substring(3, 5); b = '0x' + c.substring(5, 7); if (l > 120) { l = l - 120; r = (r * (120 - l) + 255 * l) / 120; g = (g * (120 - l) + 255 * l) / 120; b = (b * (120 - l) + 255 * l) / 120; } else { r = (r * l) / 120; g = (g * l) / 120; b = (b * l) / 120; } return '#' + ToHex(r) + ToHex(g) + ToHex(b); } function EndColor() { var i; var GrayTable=$( "GrayTable" ); if (DrRGB != SelRGB) { DrRGB = SelRGB; for (i = 0; i <= 30; i ++) GrayTable.rows[i].bgColor = DoColor(SelRGB, 240 - i * 8); } var SelColor=$( "SelColor" ); var RGB=baseCol; var GRAY=light; var ShowColor=$( "ShowColor" ); SelColor.value = DoColor(baseCol, light); ShowColor.bgColor = SelColor.value; document.getElementById( 'copytip' ).innerHTML= '' ; } function ctOut(e) { baseCol=SelRGB; EndColor(baseCol); } function ctClick(e) { SelRGB = e.bgColor; EndColor();} function ctOver(e){ baseCol = e.bgColor.toUpperCase(); EndColor(); } function gtOver(e){ light = e.title; EndColor(); } function gtOut() { light = SelGRAY; EndColor(); } function gtClick(e){ SelGRAY = e.title; EndColor(); } function okClick(){ var SelColor=$( "SelColor" ); self.parent.setColor(SelColor.value); } function inpCol(o){ var l=o.value; if (l.length==7){ $( 'ShowColor' ).bgColor=checkCol(o.value);} else if (l.length>7){ o.value=l.substring(0,7); alert( "颜色代码加#不能超过7位" ); } } --> </script> </head> <body bgcolor= #ffffff text=#000000 vlink=#0033CC alink=#800080 link=#0033cc topmargin="0"> <p> </p> <table align= "center" width= "700" ><tr><td> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> <table width= "720" border= "0" cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" align= "center" > <tr> <td bgcolor= "#40A6DD" width= "720" ><b style= "color:#FFFF00; font-size:16px;" > 颜色选择器</b></td>
<td class= "padd10" > <br> <table width= "720" border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" class= "colTab" > <tr align= "left" valign= "top" > <td width=515> <table border= "0" cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" ><tr><td> <span class= "gray f12" >颜色:</span> <div class= "box" style= "padding:0;width:422px !important;width:424px" > <TABLE ID=ColorTable BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=0 style= 'cursor:pointer' > <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> function wc(r, g, b, n) { r = ((r * 16 + r) * 3 * (15 - n) + 0x80 * n) / 15; g = ((g * 16 + g) * 3 * (15 - n) + 0x80 * n) / 15; b = ((b * 16 + b) * 3 * (15 - n) + 0x80 * n) / 15; document.write( '<TD BGCOLOR=#' + ToHex(r) + ToHex(g) + ToHex(b) + ' height=8 width=12 onmouseover="ctOver(this)" onmouseout="ctOut(this)" onmousedown="ctClick(this)"></TD>' ); } var cnum = new Array(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < 16; i ++) { document.write( '<TR>' ); for (j = 0; j < 30; j ++) { n1 = j % 5; n2 = Math.floor(j / 5) * 3; n3 = n2 + 3; wc((cnum[n3] * n1 + cnum[n2] * (5 - n1)), (cnum[n3 + 1] * n1 + cnum[n2 + 1] * (5 - n1)), (cnum[n3 + 2] * n1 + cnum[n2 + 2] * (5 - n1)), i); } document.writeln( '</TR>' ); } </SCRIPT> </TABLE> </div> </td><td valign= "top" style= "padding-left:30px " > <span class= "gray f12" >亮度:</span> <div class= "box" style= "width:20px !important;width:26px;" > <TABLE ID=GrayTable BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 style= 'cursor:pointer' > <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> for (i = 255; i >= 0; i -= 8.5) { document.write( '<TR BGCOLOR=#' + ToHex(i) + ToHex(i) + ToHex(i) + '><TD TITLE=' + Math.floor(i * 16 / 17) + ' height=5 width=20 onmouseover="gtOver(this)" onmouseout="gtOut()" onmousedown="gtClick(this)"></TD></TR>' ); } </SCRIPT> </TABLE> </div> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td width=87 valign= "top" > <span class= "gray f12" >选中颜色:</span> <div class= "box" style= "width:50px !important;width:54px " > <table ID=ShowColor width= "50" height= "24" cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" > <tr><td></td></tr> </table> </div> </td> <td width= "128" valign= "top" > <span class= "gray f12" >代码:</span><br> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT class= "colInp" ID=SelColor value= "#FFFFFF" SIZE=7 onKeyUp= "inpCol(this)" > <input type=button style= "visibility:hidden!important;visibility:visible" onClick= "document.getElementById('SelColor').select();clipboardData.setData('text',document.getElementById('SelColor').value); document.getElementById('copytip').innerHTML='代码已复制到剪贴板';" value= " 复制 " ><div id= "copytip" class= "gray f12" style= "margin-top:5px" ></div><div style= "visibility:hidden" >基色 : <SPAN ID=RGB> #000000</SPAN><BR>亮度 : <SPAN ID=GRAY>120</SPAN><BR></div></td> </tr> </table> <script> EndColor(); </script> </td> </tr> </table> <center> </center> </body> </html> |