
devel themer JS doesn't work on my D6 website,these are errors:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined devel_themer.js?r:193
thmrRebuildPopup devel_themer.js?r:193
themerDoIt devel_themer.js?r:87
themerEvent devel_themer.js?r:126

Any idea to fix it ?


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cjamesrun’s picture

I am also stuck on this issue. I have made sure that simplehtml is not the 2.x version ... and everything looks the way it should. It doesn't work in the admin or in the theme.

aiphes’s picture

i must check the simplehtml version..will tell you

henryhu’s picture

I encounter the same issue:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined

The 6.x-1.x-dev seems not to require simplehtmldom module.

gippy’s picture

I have the same issue. Returns the same error reported in #1.
D6, simplehtmldom-6.x-1.12, simplehtmldom_1_5.zip uncompressed to sites/all/libraries/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php, devel_themer: version = "6.x-1.12"

Question: simplehtmldom-6.x-1.12 has an earlier version (1.11) of simple_html_dom.php embedded in the module. Do we still need to download the library when using simplehtmldom-6.x-1.12? I tried replacing it with the download but nothing changed.

pzerimars’s picture

Attached is the patch necessary to fix this issue. It is a result of devel_themer not executing as a result of a non-altered theme registry. The registry was never altered because the function did not accept the parameter by reference.


pzerimars’s picture

Status:Active» Needs review
gippy’s picture

Status:Needs review» Reviewed & tested by the community

Thank you, Pzerimars. it works for me.

来自   https://www.drupal.org/node/2442587