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drupal 修改节点 编辑人的名字存起来

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On every creation of a node or edit of a node I need the "Authored by" field to be automatically populated with the username of anyone saving changes.

any ideas how I can do that?


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Please elaborate, do you really want the author to change every time a node is edited? If so: do you need to keep the name of the original author, or is it OK if the name of the last editor overwrites the original author? –  marcvangend Mar 6 at 12:14
Sorry that wasn't clear, yes I want the author to change every time a node is edited. no problem if it overwrites the original author. –  DropDragon Mar 6 at 12:32
Thanks for the Links Adam, would be quite useful if there is a solution in detail, I am very new Drupal. –  DropDragon Mar 6 at 13:57 

Personally I think that a module like Rules (powerful and awesome as it is) is overkill for something relatively simple as this.

Looking at node_form(), I see that the author is set by populating the author field with the username. I would create a custom module which implementshook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter, and set the default value of the author name field to the name of the current user. That would look something like this (disclaimer: untested code!).


function MODULENAME_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  // Always set the username to the current user. An empty string means anonymous.
  global $user;
  $form['author']['name']['#default_value'] = !empty($user->name) ? $user->name : '';

An advantage of this solution is that the field is populated in advance with a default value, allowing user with sufficient permissions (eg. administrators) to override the author as they always can. It would be harder to do that in a rules-based approach which only kicks in after the form has been submitted.


The topic starter mentions in another answer that he ended up with the following code:

function module_name_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  // Always set the username to the current user. An empty string means anonymous.
  global $user;
  if ($form_id == 'content_type_node_form') {
    $form['author']['name']['#default_value'] = $user->name;

Some feedback on this code:

  • Of course, the if-statement makes sense if you only need this behavior in certain cases. You could even place the global $user; inside the if.
  • I would recommend that you keep the !empty($user->name) ? $user->name : '' part, instead of simply using $user->name. It may be an edge case, but as you can see indrupal_anonymous_user, the global $user object does not necessarily contain a 'name' property. If, at some point in the future, this form would become available for anonymous users, they will end up with php notices on their screen.
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I'd use Rules to do this. You need to create a rule to respond to a node being updated, then add an action which sets the author value from the current user.

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thanks a bunch, It worked well and I simply did this(just a few changes from what you've written)

function module_name_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  // Always set the username to the current user. An empty string means anonymous.
  global $user;
    $form['author']['name']['#default_value'] = $user->name;
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This should just happen when created, if Author and Date information are ticked in admin/structure/types/manage/[your_content_type], under display settings.

If you want something else, you can use the token module and use a token as default value ; again in the content type settings.

If you want it updated with every save, you have to use hook_node_update() in a custom module, and set $node->uid to current user's ID (global $user; $user->uid).

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I don't think this answers the question; the question says "populated with the username of anyone saving changes" By default, Drupal only sets the author when a node is created, but it doesn't update the author when the node is edited. –  marcvangend Mar 6 at 12:12
Hi rémy, Thanks for the reply, but that is done. My question is, how to automatically populate the username in the "Authored by field" –  DropDragon Mar 6 at 12:36

来自   http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/64609/authored-by-field-to-be-automatically-filled