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怎样修改drupal6登录之后页面重定向问题 在登录后自动跳转到登录之前 登录以前 有大用



login toboggan 模块可以实现这样的功能:




  1. Allow users to login using either their username OR their e-mail address.

  2. Allow users to login immediately.

  3. Provide a login form on Access Denied pages for non-logged-in (anonymous) users.

  4. The module provides two login block options: One uses JavaScript to display the form within the block immediately upon clicking "log in". The other brings the user to a separate page, but returns the user to their original page upon login.

  5. Customize the registration form with two e-mail fields to ensure accuracy.

  6. Optionally redirect the user to a specific page when using the 'immediate login' feature.

  7. Optionally redirect the user to a specific page upon validation of their e-mail address.

  8. Optionally display a user message indicating a successful login.

  9. Optionally combine both the login and registration form on one page.

  10. Optionally have unvalidated users purged from the system at a pre-defined interval (please read the CAVEATS section of INSTALL.txt for important information on configuring this feature!).

  11. Integrates with Rules module to do various tasks when a user validates via email validation process (see http://drupal.org/node/880904 for an example)

Drupal China http://drupalchina.cn




Drupal China http://drupalchina.cn

来自 http://drupalchina.cn/forum/885.html
