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应该 是 因为 angular-calendar 和 calendar-utils 使用的date-fns 版本是 1.几的版本,
而事实上 我们安装了 2.几的版本
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我发现以下线程似乎具有相同的错误(尽管对于不同的软件包),解决方案是在2.x以上安装date-fns版本,但我没有做过。mui-org / material-ui-pickers#349 |
绝对典型的是,在整日苦苦挣扎之后,发布问题后我尝试做的第一件事使它起作用:D 诚然,我打折了那个线程,因为它是一个较旧的版本。学过的知识。 对此的最后答复:#85达到了目的(包括在下面)。
希望这对其他有相同问题的人有所帮助。 |
'calendar-utils'正在使用'date-fns'库。 然后,您应该安装旧版本的“ date-fns”(最后一个1.x)。 要总结,您应该执行以下操作: (如果您有一个错误的日期-fns设置错误,请不要犹豫直接从node_module删除它,然后再重新安装) 我希望它会帮助其他人:) |
经过一天的寻找解决方案,您解决了我的问题,谢谢!即使我希望这将是一个暂时的问题,他们也会解决这些问题。 |
请更新入门文档,这对您有很大帮助,谢谢!:) |
有什么计划更新角度日历本身以正确支持date-fns的最新版本? |
谢谢。在找到解决方案几个小时后,这对我有用。大的帮助。 |
来自 https://github.com/mattlewis92/angular-calendar/issues/591
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I found the following thread which seems to have the same error (although for a different package), the solution there was to install a version of date-fns above 2.x which I've done to no effect. mui-org/material-ui-pickers#349 |
Absolutely typical that after struggling with this all day the first thing I try after posting the issue gets it to work :D Admittedly I discounted that thread because it was on a much older version. Lesson learned. The last reply to this: #85 did the trick (included below).
Hope this helps anyone else with the same problem. |
'calendar-utils' is using the 'date-fns' library. Then you should install an older version of 'date-fns' (the last 1.x). To sumurize, you should do: (if you have an error of overrighting date-fns, don't hesitate to delete it directly form node_module before installing again) I hope it will help others :) |
After a day looking for a solution, you solved my problem, thank you! Even if I hope it will be a temporary problem, and they will fix these issues.... |
Please update the Getting started documentation, it's a big help, thanks! :) |
any plans to update angular-calendar itself to properly support the latest version of date-fns? |
Thank you. after several hours of finding a solution this worked for me. Big help. |
来自 https://github.com/mattlewis92/angular-calendar/issues/591