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Linux Samba protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES

网上的解决方案如下 ( 在windows电脑上解决 ):

The issue is the LanmanServer service runs out of memory. We need to boost that up: (问题是LanmanServer服务的内存不足。我们需要提高它:)

On your Windows machine, fire up regedit (Start -> regedit) modify the following registry keys:  ( 在Windows计算机上,启动regedit(开始-> regedit),1) 修改以下注册表项 (这件事我没做):  )

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache” from 0 to 1
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\Size” from 1 to 3

The problem seems to manifest itself more frequently if you use your Windows box as a file server or a media server. If you can, restart the Windows box. If for some reason you can’t (e.g. your significant other is watching a video on the tv streaming from your Windows box), then you can do effectively the same by restarting the following services:  ( 如果您将Windows机器用作文件服务器或媒体服务器,则该问题似乎更经常地显现出来。如果可以,请重新启动Windows框。如果由于某种原因(例如,您的重要他人正在从Windows盒观看电视流中的视频)而无法这样做,则可以通过重新启动以下服务来有效地执行上述操作:)

2) (这件事我只执行了前两个命令就可以了) (Start -> cmd.exe) as administrator  ((开始-> cmd.exe)以管理员身份)

1)> net stop LanmanServer /y
2)> net start LanmanServer
3)> net start Browser
4)> net start HomeGroupListener

来自   https://www.cnblogs.com/xyd21c/p/5660748.html
