我的方法 根据$term得到 别名路径
<?php $pathArr=taxonomy_term_uri($continent);$alias= drupal_get_path_alias($pathArr['path']); ?>
这里 alias 就是别名路径
Get the URL of a Node or Term in Drupal 7
Primary tabs
ListView(active tab)
Submitted by geoff on Sat, 2012-04-28 11:33
Given a Node or Taxonomy Term - or any "entity" based object
$uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
$url = $uri['path'];
When you create a link with the l() function, it will link to the Clean URL for that entity (if one exists).
for a Node
this becomes
$uri = entity_uri("node", $node);
$url = $uri['path'];
of course, you can always just use
$uri = node_uri("node", $node);
$url = $uri['path'];
or even
$url = "node/{$nid}"
for a Taxonomy Term
$uri = entity_uri("taxonomy_term", $term);
$url = $uri['path'];
of course, you can always just use
$uri = taxonomy_term_uri("node", $term);
$url = $uri['path'];
or even
$url = "taxonomy/term/{$tid}"
$_GET['q']!= ‘user/login’
得到 当前的路径 永远都不是别名 ,是真实的原来的路径
加上 arg(0) != 'user' && arg(1) != 'login'
这里是参数 永远也不是别名 可能的值是 arg(0) node arg(1) 38
登录后 返回 登录前的页面
drupal_goto('mylogin', array('query'=>drupal_get_destination()) );