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给drupal 单独页面定制主题

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来自 http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/812/how-do-i-change-a-theme-based-on-the-url/816#816


我有example.org运行Drupal的实例。其中有一个主题,安装并启动X。现在,在有限时间内的事件应该举行,有关的专门章节已在现场“刻出来。” 所有有关该事件的事情会去example.org/event2011。


我经历了许多模组走了,但他们都不是配套的Drupal 7。最好,我想它使用的模块来完成,并且不希望在代码级别改变任何东西我自己。

您是否希望有一个完整而独立的站点下的路径/ event2011/node/123看起来,你是?  杰里米法国 3月16日'11 12:49




它足以实现hook_custom_theme() 如下所示:

功能mymodule_custom_theme () { 
  如果 ARG 0  ==  'event2011'  { 
    回报 “为主题,以用于该页面' ; 


功能mymodule_custom_theme () { 
  如果 ARG 0  ==  'event2011'  &&  ARG 1 )) { 
    返回 '为主题,以用于该页面' ; 


作为一般规则,采用主题回调函数应只限于它的功能是非常密切依赖于特定的主题页面,因为它们只能通过模块,专门针对在这些页面被覆盖hook_menu_alter() 实施更通用主题切换功能(例如,一个模块,它允许主题被动态地设置基于当前用户的角色)的模块应该使用hook_custom_theme()来代替。



 / **
* / 
函数mymodule_menu_alter (&$项 { 
  / /设置主题回调函数对所有节点的页面。按照该
  为hook_menu / /标准行为()的属性,这将是
  / /继承所有路径节点/%节点下为好,除非
  / /他们定义自己的主题回调。
  $项目[ '节点/%节点' ] [ “主题回调' ]  =  'mymodule_default_node_theme' ;

  / /设置一个不同的主题回调节点编辑页面,并通过
  / /沿节点对象到这个功能,所以我们可以做出决定,
  基于它/ /。
  $项目[ '节点/%节点/编辑' ] [ '主题回调' ]  =  'mymodule_edit_node_theme' ; 
  $项目[ '节点/%节点/编辑' ] [ '主题论据' ]  = 阵列1 ); 
/ **
* / 
函数mymodule_default_node_theme () { 
  返回 'some_theme' ; 

/ **
function mymodule_edit_node_theme($node) {
  return $node->type == 'page' ? 'some_other_theme' : mymodule_default_node_theme();


 / **
* / 
函数mymodule_custom_theme () { 
  / /检查路径使用ARG(0)
  / /检查$ USER 
  / /做任何特殊的检查,你想和简单的返回键的主题(主题文件夹的名称大部分时间)
    返回 'special_theme' ; 



你可以简单地使用上下文和使用主题得到应用时,路径是/ event2011 /你可以简单的设置路径在cotext的状况和改变主题的内容的作用。这是你可以主题之间基于URL的网站很容易切换。甚至也适用于手机;)

主题行动传递自定义变量的主题,它实际上并没有改变它  亚历 5月6日'11 19:55



 / **
 * hook_init的执行情况()。
 * / 
函数mymodule_init () { 
  全球$ custom_theme $的用户
  如果 in_array “我的特殊作用” $用户- > 角色)) { 
    $ custom_theme =  'mytheme的' ; 


MyModule的 =>你的模块名


mytheme的 =>与您要切换到的主题的名称


来自 http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/812/how-do-i-change-a-theme-based-on-the-url/816#816
Drupal Answers is a question and answer site for Drupal developers and administrators. It's 100% free, no registration required.

I have a Drupal instance running on example.org. Which has a theme X installed and activated. Now for a limited period an event is supposed to be held on the site for which a special section has been "carved out." All the things related to that event will go to example.org/event2011.

I want to have a different theme to be shown whenever a page under this section is viewed (e.g. http://example.org/event2011/about, http://example.org/event2011/node/123). How do I do that?

I have gone through many modules, but none of them is supporting Drupal 7. Preferably, I would like it to be done using modules and don't want to change anything my self at the code level.

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Are you looking to have a whole separate site under the path /event2011/node/123 looks like you are? –  Jeremy French Mar 16 '11 at 12:49
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A custom solution like the other comment suggests is probably best, but if you really want to use a module, your best bet is ThemeKey. As of 5/23/11, it has a stable release.

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Considering that the change is for a limited period of time, and that implementing such code is not difficult (I am not talking of changing the core code, which is not a good idea to do), I would suggest to implement a custom module that changes the theme being used for specific pages.

It is enough to implement hook_custom_theme() as follows:

function mymodule_custom_theme() {
  if (arg(0) == 'event2011') {
    return 'the theme to use for that page';

If you would need to change the theme only for http://example.com/event2011, but not forhttp://example.com/event2011/node/123, then the code should be changed to

function mymodule_custom_theme() {
  if (arg(0) == 'event2011' && !arg(1)) {
    return 'the theme to use for that page';

As for using the theme callbacks in the definition of a menu callback, the documentationsays:

As a general rule, the use of theme callback functions should be limited to pages whose functionality is very closely tied to a particular theme, since they can only be overridden by modules which specifically target those pages in hook_menu_alter(). Modules implementing more generic theme switching functionality (for example, a module which allows the theme to be set dynamically based on the current user's role) should use hook_custom_theme()instead.

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Alternatively you can use the new theme callback option of the menu systemhook_menu_alter() as outlined below. p.s Checkout hook_menu() for more details on thetheme callback

* Implements hook_menu_alter().
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
  // Set the theme callback function for all node pages. As per the
  // standard behavior for hook_menu() properties, this will be
  // inherited by all paths underneath node/%node as well, unless
  // they define their own theme callback.
  $items['node/%node']['theme callback'] = 'mymodule_default_node_theme';

  // Set a different theme callback for node edit pages, and pass
  // along the node object to this function so we can make decisions
  // based on it.
  $items['node/%node/edit']['theme callback'] = 'mymodule_edit_node_theme';
  $items['node/%node/edit']['theme arguments'] = array(1);
* Defaults to using the 'some_theme' theme for node pages.
function mymodule_default_node_theme() {
  return 'some_theme';

* For editing page nodes, uses the 'some_other_theme' theme.
function mymodule_edit_node_theme($node) {
  return $node->type == 'page' ? 'some_other_theme' : mymodule_default_node_theme();

Additionally there is also an example of using the more traditional hook_custom_theme()

* Implements hook_custom_theme().
function mymodule_custom_theme() {
  // check path using arg(0)
  // check $user
  // do whatever special checking you want and simply return theme key (name of theme folder most of the time)
    return 'special_theme';

Taken from: http://drupal.org/node/224333#custom_theme

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You can simply use Context and use the theme to get applied when the path is /event2011/ you can simple set the path in condition of cotext and change the theme in the action of the content. This was you can very easily switch between themes on a site based on URL. Even works for mobiles ;)

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the theme action passes custom variables to the theme, it doesn't actually change it –  AlexMay 6 '11 at 19:55
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How to switch theme depending on user role:

Create a custom module and copy & paste the following:

 * Implementation of hook_init().
function mymodule_init() {
  global $custom_theme, $user;
  if (in_array('my special role', $user->roles)) {
    $custom_theme = 'mytheme';

You have to replace:

mymodule => with your module name

my special role => with the name of the role that your users will need to have in order for them to see a different theme.

mytheme => with the name of the theme that you want to switch to

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