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drupal ubercart 直接购买 不增加到购物车

shiping1 的头像
这个模块 可以实现 应该有用
https://drupal.org/project/uc_paypal_buttons  //好像只是paypal这种付款方式的模块 对
其它的付款方式 如支付宝等不起作用
看下 http://www.ubercart.org/project/buy_now
uc_buy_now.tar.gz  应该有用 因为福建那个网友也推荐它


print $node->content['add_to_cart']['#value']

' to print the Add to Cart button into my custom node.tpl and I'd like to include a Buy Now button underneath it.
I've seen the redirect function in the module but am unable to edit it myself at this point in my PHP career, hehe.
Does anyone have a way to achieve this or be willing to help me out?
Here's the site in question if your interested.
Re: Buy Now button to bypass Cart?
If you're looking to just add an item to the cart and go to the checkout screen, you can use the Cart Links module in core for that.
I think I know what you mean if so surely this will make both the 'Add to Cart' and 'Buy Now' act as a Buy Now link, Taking the user straight to the checkout?
Re: Hi Ryan, I think I know what
With cart links you can set the destination to whatever you like. Check out the documentation for help. We use it on our site and it makes life much easier.
Re: Re: Hi Ryan, I think I know what
Ah, thats perfect. works great, thanks
Cart Links and Inventory - Simple StockI have seen ‘uc_catalog_buy_it_now_form_’ in uc_product module, is this part of planed functionality?
The problem I have found with Cart Links is that it does not integrate with the inventory API.You end up with ‘Add to Cart’ being unavailable when there is negative stock but still able to use ‘Buy Now’.

Any ideas?


来自 http://www.ubercart.org/forum/development/1800/buy_now_button_bypass_cart

Ubercart buy now button interferes with DraggableViews saving sort order

I have an issue regarding Ubercart and DraggableViews. I'm not sure if this is a Ubercart or DraggableViews issue, so I'm making a duplicate issue under each until this can determined.

I have a table View of Ubercart products with various fields, one of which is each products Buy Now button. I'm sorting the product listings in the table rows using DraggableViews. When I sort the table view and click the "Save" draggable views order button, instead of saving the DraggableView order, it adds the first row product to the cart and takes me to the Shopping Cart page. When I return to the view, the DraggableView order is not saved or updated.

If I remove the add to cart button from the tables fields, the DraggableView "Save" button functions as it should. However, anytime we need or want to sort a these views, that will require editing and removing the add to cart button from the view for a short time. Yes it works, but it's not very practical, as I would like content managers not to have to worry about editing the View, etc.
来自 https://drupal.org/node/1760656
