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chrome 关闭 标签页 右侧 其它 标签页 快捷键 扩展 Keyboard Shortcuts to Close Other/Right Tabs 有大用 有大大用

chrome://extensions/shortcuts  打开这个看看

用这个扩展 (组件)

Keyboard Shortcuts to Close Other/Right Tabs

Keyboard Shortcuts to Close Other/Right Tabs
Note: you must use the Chrome Beta channel or later for the plugin to work.

The extension consists of three keyboard shortcuts:

* Alt-Shift-O: Close Other Tabs
* Alt-Shift-R: Close Tabs to the Right
* Alt-Shift-P: Pin Tab

Note: A separate extension, tabloid, adds the following shortcuts to Chrome

* Move Tab Right
* Move Tab Left
* Move Tab to First Position
* Move Tab to Last Position

来自  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keyboard-shortcuts-to-clo/dkoadhojigekhckndaehenfbhcgfeepl
