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cisco 思科交换机终端快捷键,光标 思科快捷键,路由器,交换机,防火墙快捷键命令 有大用 有大大用 有大大大用

由于cisco思科网络设备, 一般都是在命令行里进行配置, 所以使用一些快捷键可以提高你的工作效率, 下面的快捷键可以在cisco路由器,思科交换机,CISCO防火墙中使用, 其中 + 表示同时按的意思:

ctrl + a 跳转到命令行开始
ctrl + e 跳转到命令行末端
ctrl + b 把光标向左移动1个字母,相当于向左箭头
ctrl + f 把光标向右移动1个字母,相当于向右箭头
ctrl + c 退出clearLine
ctrl + d 删除光标右侧的一个字符
ctrl + h 删除光标左侧的一个字符
ctrl + w 删除最后输入的一个单词
ctrl + i 刷新当前行并将光标移至行尾
ctrl + j 回车Return
Ctrl-l or Ctrl-r Redraw the screen at the prompt. ctrl + m 回车Return
ctrl+ brean 回车,并且是上一个命令显示出来 ctrl + k 删除光标到该行末尾的内容 ctrl + u 删除光标到该行开头的内容 ctrl + n 输入历史缓存里的下一条命令,相当于向下箭头 ctrl + p 输入历史缓存里的上一条命令,相当于向上箭头 esc + b 把光标向后移动一个单词     #好像不行,至少在 cisco packet tracer 中不行 esc + f 把光标向前移动一个单词 #好像不行,至少在 cisco packet tracer 中不行  

思科快捷键中的组合字符, 不区分大小写。

Ctrl a e 行首,行尾(ahead,end)
Esc f b 单词首,单词尾
Ctrl f b 移动光标(forward,backwards)

Ctrl u k 剪切光标前所有,剪切光标后所有
Ctrl y 粘贴剪切板 剪贴板上的内容
Ctrl w 删除光标前面一个单词,以空格为界
Ctrl h d 向行首/行尾删除单个字符
Ctrl t 交换光标前2个字符的位置
Esc d 删除光标所在到界线处

Ctrl p/n    上一个/下一个使用的历史命令。 (p:previous n:next )

Esc c u l    首字符大写,全大写,全小写 (将光标移到单词首部)

Ctrl+[ 相当于Esc键。 连续按2次Esc显示所有的支持的终端命令。和按一次tab有啥区别?
Ctrl+i 相当于Tab键(不明白这个功能,为什么能按一个键解决,谁会按两个键?)


1、ctrl+a //光标迅速回到行首 
2、ctrl+e //光标迅速回到行尾 
3、ctrl+u 删除此处至开始的所有内容
4、ctrl+k 删除此处至末尾的所有内容
5、ctrl+-> 向右移动一个单词
6、ctrl+<- 向左移动一个单词
7、ctrl+w : 由光标位置开始,往左删除单词
8、alt+d : 由光标位置开始,往右删除单词
9、ctrl+y 粘贴使用 Ctrl+W,Ctrl+U 和 Ctrl+K 快捷键擦除的文本
注释:Ctrl -a + Ctrl -k 或 Ctrl -e + Ctrl -u 或 Ctrl -k + Ctrl -u 组合可删除整行

1)ctrl+shift+T                       //新建窗口-
2)复制:Ctrl + Shift + C
3)粘贴:Ctrl + Shift + V      // 按鼠标滚轮键
4)Alt+数字                          //切换终端标签窗口
5)ctrl+l                               //清屏,并在屏幕最上面开始一个新行
6)ctrl+r                              //检索使用过的历史命令 (r retrieve)
7)ctrl+c                             //中断,终结一个前台作业。
8)ctrl+/                             //撤消操作,Undo

来自  https://www.qinziheng.com/cisco/8444.htm



Using the Command-Line Interface This chapter contains the following topics: • CLI Command Keyboard Shortcuts, on page 2 • Using the Interactive Help Feature, on page 4

CLI Command Keyboard Shortcuts The table below lists the CLI keyboard shortcuts to help you enter and edit command lines on the controller. Table 1: CLI Command Keyboard Shortcuts Action Description Keyboard Shortcut Change The word at the cursor to lowercase. Esc I The word at the cursor to uppercase. Esc u Delete A character to the left of the cursor. Ctrl-h, Delete, or Backspace All characters from the cursor to the beginning of the Ctrl-u line. All characters from the cursor to the end of the line. Ctrl-k All characters from the cursor to the end of the word. Esc d The word to the left of the cursor. Ctrl-w or Esc Backspace Display MORE Exit from MORE output. q, Q, or Ctrl-C output Next additional screen. The default is one screen. To Spacebar display more than one screen, enter a number before pressing the Spacebar key. Next line. The default is one line. To display more than Enter one line, enter the number before pressing the Enter key. Enter or Return key character. Ctrl-m Expand the command or abbreviation. Ctrl-t or Tab Move the cursor One character to the left (back). Ctrl-b or Left Arrow One character to the right (forward). Ctrl-f or Right Arrow One word to the left (back), to the beginning of the Esc b current or previous word. One word to the right (forward), to the end of the Esc f current or next word. To the beginning of the line. Ctrl-a To the end of the line. Ctrl-e Redraw the screen at the prompt. Ctrl-l or Ctrl-r

Action Description Keyboard Shortcut Return to the EXEC mode from any configuration mode Ctrl-z Return to the previous mode or exit from the CLI from Exec mode. exit command Transpose a character at the cursor with a character to the left of the cursor. Ctrl-t

Using the Interactive Help Feature The question mark (?) character allows you to get the following type of help about the command at the command line. The table below lists the interactive help feature list. Table 2: Interactive Help Feature List Command Description help Provides a brief description of the Help feature in any command mode. ? at the command Lists all commands available for a particular command mode. prompt partial command? Provides a list of commands that begin with the character string. partial Completes a partial command name. commandcommand ? Lists the keywords, arguments, or both associated with a command. command keyword ? Lists the arguments that are associated with the keyword.

Using the help Command Before you begin To look up keyboard commands, use the help command at the root level. help Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark ‘?’. If nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must back up until entering a ‘?’ shows the available options. Two types of help are available: 1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (for example show ?) and describes each possible argument. 2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered and you want to know what arguments match the input (for example show pr?). Example: > help HELP: Special keys: DEL, BS... delete previous character Ctrl-A .... go to beginning of line Ctrl-E .... go to end of line Ctrl-F .... go forward one character Ctrl-B .... go backward one character Ctrl-D .... delete current character Ctrl-U, X. delete to beginning of line Ctrl-K .... delete to end of line

Ctrl-W .... delete previous word Ctrl-T .... transpose previous character Ctrl-P .... go to previous line in history buffer Ctrl-N .... go to next line in history buffer Ctrl-Z .... return to root command prompt Tab,command-line completion Exit .... go to next lower command prompt ? .... list choices 

Using the ? command Before you begin To display all of the commands in your current level of the command tree, or to display more information about a particular command, use the ? command. command name ? When you enter a command information request, put a space between the command name and ?. Examples This command shows you all the commands and levels available from the root level. > ? clear Clear selected configuration elements. config Configure switch options and settings. debug Manages system debug options. help Help linktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address. logout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost. ping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address. reset Reset options. save Save switch configurations. show Display switch options and settings. transfer Transfer a file to or from the switch.

Using the partial? command Before you begin To provide a list of commands that begin with the character string, use the partial command ?. partial command? There should be no space between the command and the question mark. This example shows how to provide a command that begin with the character string “ad”: > controller> config>ad? The command that matches with the string “ad” is as follows:

Using the partial commandBefore you begin To completes a partial command name, use the partial commandcommand. partial commandThere should be no space between the command and. This example shows how to complete a partial command name that begin with the character string “cert”: Controller >config>certcertificate 

Using the command ? Examples To list the keywords, arguments, or both associated with the command, use the command ?. command-name ? There should be a space between the command and the question mark. This example shows how to list the arguments and keyword for the command acl: Controller >config acl ? Information similar to the following appears: apply Applies the ACL to the data path. counter Start/Stop the ACL Counters. create Create a new ACL. delete Delete an ACL. rule Configure rules in the ACL. cpu Configure the CPU ACL Information

command keyword ? To list the arguments that are associated with the keyword, use the command keyword ?: command keyword ? There should be space between the keyword and the question mark. This example shows how to display the arguments associated with the keyword cpu: Controller >config acl cpu ? Information similar to the following appears: none None - Disable the CPU ACL- Name of the CPU ACL 


    来自  https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/wireless/controller/8-5/cmd-ref/b-cr85/using_the_command_line_interface.pdf
