21H2 Traditional Chinese IME is not ready yet21H2 繁体中文输入法尚未准备就绪
Hi,你好 After I updated windows to 21H2, I can't type Chinese anymore. I have tried steps below, but it didn't work.将 Windows 更新到 21H2 后,我不能再输入中文了。我已经尝试了以下步骤,但没有用。 1. Uninstall Chinese language pack,1.卸载中文语言包, 2. Restart laptop and then install it again2.重新启动笔记本电脑,然后重新安装 3. Turn on "Use previous version of Microsoft Bopomofo" in keyboard setting.3. 在键盘设置中打开“使用以前版本的 Microsoft Bopomofo”。 Can you please let me know how to solve this problem?你能告诉我如何解决这个问题吗? Thanks,谢谢 Sherry雪莉酒
Good day! I'm Raniel, a Microsoft user like you. I understand your frustration regarding this issue and I'll do my best to help.日安!我是 Raniel,和你一样的Microsoft用户。我理解你对这个问题的挫败感,我会尽我所能提供帮助。
Kindly use the command prompt and see if you'll be able to install the language请使用命令提示符,看看您是否能够安装该语言 1. On the search bar, type "command prompt" and select Run as administrator1. 在搜索栏上,键入“命令提示符”,然后选择以管理员身份运行 2. Type the command DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Language.Basic~~~zh-TW~ then press Enter2. 键入命令,然后按 Enter 键
Go to Settings > Time & Language > Language > and double-check your preferred language under "Windows display language" > click on it and go to Options > ensure that you keyboard is also set to your preferred language. You may remove the other keyboards to isolate the issue as well.转到“设置”>“时间和语言”>“语言>,并在”Windows 显示语言“下仔细检查您的首选语言,>单击它并转到”选项“>确保您的键盘也设置为您的首选语言。您也可以删除其他键盘以隔离问题。
Once done, go to Control Panel > Clock and Region > Administrative , then verify the system locale under the settings for "Welcome screen and new user accounts" as well as "Language for non-Unicode programs". You may also go to the "Formats" tab and change it based on your preferred display language.完成后,转到“控制面板”>“时钟”和“区域>管理”,然后在“欢迎屏幕和新用户帐户”以及“非Unicode程序的语言”设置下验证系统区域设置。您也可以转到“格式”选项卡,并根据您喜欢的显示语言进行更改。
Reboot your machine and check again.重新启动计算机并再次检查。
Another option is to enable the "built-in" administrator account to isolate the issue:另一种选择是启用“内置”管理员帐户来隔离问题: 1. On your search bar, type command prompt and select "run as administrator"1. 在搜索栏上,键入命令提示符,然后选择“以管理员身份运行” 2. On the command prompt window, type net user administrator /active:yes and press Enter2. 在命令提示符窗口中,键入并按 Enter 键 3. Reboot your machine, then login to your admin account, and check if you'll encounter the same issue.3. 重新启动计算机,然后登录您的管理员帐户,并检查您是否会遇到同样的问题。 Note: If you don't encounter the issue on the built-in administrator account, I suggest that you create a new user account (go through the steps under "My computer is in a workgroup") . Please refer to this article as a guide: https://support.microsoft.com/help/14039/window...注意:如果您在内置管理员帐户上没有遇到问题,我建议您创建一个新的用户帐户(通过“我的计算机在工作组中”下的步骤)。请参考本文作为指南:https://support.microsoft.com/help/14039/window...