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drupal Fatal error: Out of memory

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drupal Fatal error: Out of memory
我禁用了theme devel 模块 好像就好了 然后 清空缓存 运行cron
再把theme devel启用后 把themer 产生的临时文件删掉 好像还不行
把theme devel 禁用吧 
(我遇到的情况好像是cacherouter 有问题 把它禁用 ,同时在setting.php中去掉关于它的设置)

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 298582016) (tried to allocate 79874193 bytes) in /home/wwwroot/yc_4000512126_com/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 330
  出现这个错误的时候 先打开devel调试 看下面sql语句 执行情况
5 down vote accepted

There's really not much you can do in this case. Drupal 7 requires fair bit of memory and so do Views, Panels, etc.

If upgrading to a hosting plan where you have at least 128MB is not an option I would at least make sure the following modules are kept disabled:

  • Update Manager
  • Database Logging
  • Field UI
  • Views UI
  • Panels In-Place Editor
  • Any other "UI" module

Do your development locally and use version control & Features to update your production box.
