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Recovery Mode - No Administrator was found 恢复模式 - 未找到管理员 有大用

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默认情况下,不再加载使用之前已弃用和不受支持的 KPI 的内核扩展。您可以使用 MDM 修改默认策略,以不定期显示对话并允许加载内核扩展。对于采用 Apple 芯片的 Mac 电脑,您必须首先更改安全策略。

To install a new or updated kernel extension in macOS Big Sur, you can do either one of the following:要在 macOS Big Sur 中安装新的或更新的内核扩展,您可以执行以下任一操作:

  • Instruct the user to follow the prompts within Security & Privacy preferences to allow the extension, then restart their Mac. You can permit users who are not administrators to allow the extension using the AllowNonAdminUserApprovals key in the Kernel Extension Policy MDM payload.指示用户按照“安全和隐私”偏好设置中的提示来允许扩展,然后重新启动 Mac。您可以允许非管理员用户使用内核扩展策略 MDM 负载中的 AllowNonAdminUserApprovals 键来允许扩展。

  • Send the RestartDevice MDM command and set the RebuildKernelCachekey to True.发送 RestartDevice MDM 命令并将 RebuildKernelCachekey 设置为 True。

Whenever the set of approved kernel extensions changes, either after initial approval or if the version is updated, a restart is required.每当已批准的内核扩展集发生更改时,无论是在初始批准后还是版本更新后,都需要重新启动。关闭 FileVault

In my understanding, if "Allow standard users" is checked the machine would not need an admin to approve the extension. Maybe you can circumvent the problem this way?据我了解,如果选中“允许标准用户”,则计算机将不需要管理员来批准扩展。也许你可以通过这种方式规避这个问题?


New Contributor III  新贡献者 III 

Did you try to recover the M1 mac in DFU-Mode? Had to do this last week as any other attempt did not bring him back to life.您是否尝试在 DFU 模式下恢复 M1 mac?上周不得不这样做,因为任何其他尝试都没有让他起死回生。

Another tidbit: my Jamf server just failed to install my profile with approved kernel extensions. So I made a smart group for all macOS 11.X (and newer) computers and excluded this in scope of my kernel extension profile to get rid of the failed installs in Jamf.另一个花絮:我的 Jamf 服务器刚刚无法安装具有批准的内核扩展的配置文件。因此,我为所有 macOS 11.X(及更新版本)计算机创建了一个智能组,并将其排除在我的内核扩展配置文件范围内,以消除 Jamf 中失败的安装。

"No administrator was found" in Startup Security Utility


My friend got a new MacBook Pro from office, later on he re


My friend got a new MacBook Pro from office, later on he resigned and in a hurry erased the "Macintosh HD", now we are trying to install Mojave using Bootable USB but it won't allow because "External Boot" is not allowed, also when we try to access "Startup Security Utility" it shows an error saying no administrator was found, so we can't enable "Allow booting from external media". Somehow online installation from recovery mode is also not working and throws 202 error at the end. Is there any luck?我的朋友从办公室得到了一台新的MacBook Pro,后来他辞职了,并匆忙删除了“Macintosh HD”,现在我们尝试使用可启动USB安装Mojave,但它不允许,因为不允许“外部启动”,此外,当我们尝试访问“启动安全实用程序”时,它会显示错误,指出未找到管理员,因此我们无法启用“允许从外部媒体启动”。不知何故,从恢复模式进行在线安装也不起作用,并最终抛出 202 错误。有没有运气?

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  • Hey there, Welcome to Apple.SE!I don't have administrator account on my mac                                                            is it helpful?   
    – anki 安基                                                             
     Jul 11, 2019 at 18:52                                                           
  • 1                                                        
    The system was probably a part of a managed system and needs to be removed from that system. Presumably by their former workplace IT folks.                                                            
    – Steve Chambers 史蒂夫·钱伯斯                                                             
     Jul 11, 2019 at 18:54                                                          
  • 1                                                        
    @ankiiiiiii thanks! but as I mentioned there is no OS on MacBook right now, so how would it boot to "Single User Mode"? Or will it? 
    – Hadi 哈迪                                                             
     Jul 11, 2019 at 18:55                                                         
  • 2                                                        
    @SteveChambers He was given boxed pack MacBook Pro, so he's the first user. 
    – Hadi 哈迪                                                             
     Jul 11, 2019 at 18:56                                                        
  • Solutions mentioned below do not work for M2 that came with Ventura.                                                            
    – Regmi 雷格米                                                             
     Jul 12, 2023 at 5:39                                                          

8 Answers  8 个回答 8 


I just came into the same situation. But I was lucky enough to workaround it last night. It took me 2 nights searching around to figure out what to do. Here's what you need:我刚刚遇到同样的情况。但我很幸运昨晚解决了这个问题。我花了两个晚上四处寻找才能弄清楚该怎么做。这就是你需要的:

*. A functioning Mac(Better without a T2 chip), mine is the 2014 Mac Mini. Edit: For T2 chip devices, you could temporarily set the security options to allow boot from external devices.(Reboot and then Command + R,not personally tested)*。一台正常运行的Mac(没有T2芯片更好),我的是2014 Mac Mini。编辑:对于T2芯片设备,您可以临时设置安全选项以允许从外部设备启动。(重新启动然后Command + R,未经个人测试)

*. An SSD for a fresh install.*。用于全新安装的 SSD。

*. Create a bootable macOS USB drive.*。创建可启动的 macOS USB 驱动器。

I will make it short. You could search for tutorials if you don't know what to do for a certain step.我会简短地说。如果您不知道某个步骤该怎么做,您可以搜索教程。

  1. Plug in both SSD and bootable USB drive(with Mojave installer).插入 SSD 和可启动 USB 驱动器(带有 Mojave 安装程序)。

  2. Reboot your mac and press Command + R.重新启动 Mac 并按 Command + R。

  3. Install a fresh Mojave on your SSD, and stop when you see the welcome screen where it asks you to select your country.在 SSD 上安装新的 Mojave,当您看到欢迎屏幕并要求您选择所在国家/地区时停止。

  4. Power off and unplug the SSD off your functioning Mac.关闭正在运行的 Mac 的电源并拔下 SSD。

  5. Plug your SSD onto your MBP and turn it on.将 SSD 插入 MBP 并打开它。

  6. Press Command + R and enter the recovery mode.按 Command + R 并进入恢复模式。

  7. Disk Utilities -> Restore. Here select your SSD and it will copy your SSD's files onto your MBP. And then you can unplug your SSD.磁盘实用程序 -> 恢复。在这里选择您的 SSD,它会将 SSD 的文件复制到您的 MBP 上。然后你就可以拔掉你的SSD了。

  8. You could try select your internal drive as start up disk but it doesn't let you to. So reboot your MBP. And press Command + R. In my case it failed to boot the macOS and it just reboot into the recovery mode again.您可以尝试选择内部驱动器作为启动磁盘,但它不允许您这样做。所以重启你的MBP。然后按 Command + R。就我而言,它无法启动 macOS,只是再次重新启动进入恢复模式。

  9. Select Install Mojave. After a couple of minutes, your screen turns black and it reboots.选择安装 Mojave。几分钟后,屏幕变黑并重新启动。

  10. You will see the lovely Welcome screen again.您将再次看到可爱的欢迎屏幕。

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  • Great answer! worked like a charm when i thought I was dead in the water cuz i had already erased my Macintosh HD. After step 7 i was able to change my startup disk and it booted up! Thank you                                                                
    – ganta 甘塔                                                                 
     Dec 30, 2019 at 6:01                                                               
  • 1                                                            
    Downvoted: As described, External Boot is not allowed, so steps 2+3 don't work. Cmd+R brings up a message that External Boot is not allowed. I'm working through the same problem right now.                                                                
    – Drew 德鲁                                                                 
     Nov 23, 2020 at 23:18                                                              
  • Hi, Drew. You need another functioning Mac(models without T2 chip) or someone to help install a fresh OSX for you(Stop at welcome screen) and start from #6. And then you use the Disk Utilites to clone the whole fresh system to your Mac. It looks like that the T2 security chip blocks external disk boot or installation.                                                                
    – William Tong 汤威廉                                                                 
     Nov 24, 2020 at 1:58                                                              
  • Hi. Just trying to work out what the "TL;DR" is on this answer.. Essentially, is it simply installing macOS on a different Mac (without the same boot restrictions) and then swapping the disks?                                                                
    – mwfearnley 莫夫费恩利                                                                 
     Apr 13, 2022 at 9:28                                                              
  • Hi, yes. You just need a fresh install before setting up personal information on a disk. So that the T2 chip won't block you again.                                                                
    – William Tong 汤威廉                                                                 
     Apr 13, 2022 at 10:15                                                              

I had to boot into recovery mode and reinstall High Sierra (the initial shipped version of macOS). Installing HS gave an administrator account. With the administrator account I was able to allow booting from any external device and finally booted from mac USB stick macOS mojave. After that I could remove HS.我必须启动进入恢复模式并重新安装 High Sierra(macOS 的初始发布版本)。安装 HS 会获得管理员帐户。使用管理员帐户,我可以允许从任何外部设备启动,并最终从 mac USB 记忆棒 macOS mojave 启动。之后我就可以删除 HS。

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  • 1                                                            
    Just did the same thing, in my case the default was Mojave and I installed Monterey from external disk. Had to then re-install Montereyagain                                                                   (so 3 installs in total) from recovery after creating a temp admin account, re-enabling external protection and wiping to remove the temporary admin account. Bonus: reset the NVRAM (option, command, R, P on startup) to give a completely clean startup to the "welcome" screen for the next user.                                                                
    – Adam Millerchip 亚当·米勒奇普                                                                 
     Nov 1, 2021 at 7:48                                                              
  • You don't have to install the original. Even if you can't boot from an external drive, you can boot the Internet Recovery system, then plug the drive and run the installer from Terminal.                                                                
    – Bachsau 巴赫绍                                                                 
     Nov 2, 2023 at 22:12                                                              

I had a similar issue with my 2018 Mini: I had to delete the .AppleSetupDone file and run the "Welcome to Mac" routine, creating a new admin user there before I could alter SecureBoot, even though the disk had been imaged with an admin user.我的 2018 Mini 也遇到了类似的问题:我必须删除 .AppleSetupDone 文件并运行“欢迎使用 Mac”例程,在更改 SecureBoot 之前创建一个新的管理员用户,即使磁盘已使用管理员进行映像用户。

Peter Thorn's answer here gets to the exact cause of the problem and provides the solution for a working Mac that has MacOS installed.Peter Thorn 的回答找到了问题的确切原因,并为安装了 MacOS 的 Mac 提供了解决方案。

If you don't have MacOs installed, you could try booting it in Target Mode from another Mac, which I understand bypasses the Secure Boot! (Though if the drive is encrypted, you'll need the password, unless you're wiping it anyway.)如果您没有安装MacO,您可以尝试从另一台Mac以目标模式启动它,据我所知,这会绕过安全启动! (尽管如果驱动器已加密,您将需要密码,除非您无论如何都要擦除它。)

Alternatively, take it to an Apple Store. The SecureBoot settings can't be changed unless there is a valid admin user, so you can't boot to an external. Recovery is another option, but you say that's not working.或者,将其带到 Apple Store 零售店。除非有有效的管理员用户,否则无法更改 SecureBoot 设置,因此您无法启动到外部。恢复是另一种选择,但你说这不起作用。

PS. I'd love to work somewhere where you get to keep your laptop when you resign!附言。我很想在辞职时可以保留笔记本电脑的地方工作!                                                

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  • First part doesn't help for wiped systems as in this case (and my case). Target Mode may be worth trying. Darkwonder's response below, which for some reason got the least votes (zero), is the most appropriate. PS When I left my job at a small company after 3 years, I got to keep my laptop..                                                                
    – Drew 德鲁                                                                 
     Nov 23, 2020 at 23:21                                                               
  • This did not work for us — on an M1 Mac with Monterey — it actually broke the Setup Assistant. When it came to the step of "Create a computer account", we got an error "Your computer account could not be created with the name and password specified. Please try again." (Regardless of name & pw.) We had to wipe the boot drive & reinstall.                                                                
    – Drew 德鲁                                                                 
     Aug 13, 2022 at 2:38                                                              

To my experience, it is a question of Secure Tokens, if it doesn't accept the admin even though it has the shipped (old) macOS installed from the recovery partition.根据我的经验,如果它不接受管理员,即使它已经从恢复分区安装了附带的(旧)macOS,那么这就是安全令牌的问题。

Even though you have created an admin account, you need it to have a Secure Token and update the preboot, for the recovery partition to accept it.即使您已经创建了管理员帐户,您也需要它拥有安全令牌并更新预引导,以便恢复分区接受它。

I did the following (when logged in as the local admin account) (both commands run in Terminal):我执行了以下操作(当以本地管理员帐户登录时)(两个命令都在终端中运行):

sysadminctl interactive -secureTokenOn [admin user shortname] -password -                                                

(you will be asked to authenticate).(系统会要求您进行身份验证)。

diskutil apfs updatePreboot /                                                

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  • 1                                                            
    Yes, this is the best answer. Gets to the nub of the problem and shows the solution.                                                                
    – benwiggy 本维吉                                                                 
     Jan 7, 2020 at 13:18                                                              
  • 1                                                            
    It doesn't have the shipped macOS installed - the OP (and me) are trying to install an OS. And there is no created admin account - the boot drive is wiped.                                                                
    – Drew 德鲁                                                                 
     Nov 23, 2020 at 23:20                                                              
  • diskutil:   UpdatePreboot: Exiting Update Preboot operation with overall error=(ZeroMeansSuccess)=-69567 Error: -69567: An Open Directory user database record is missing a data field required by EFI 
    – Gringo Suave 光滑的外国佬                                                                 
     Apr 16, 2021 at 22:06                                                              
  • To fix error above read this and create "recovery key and do not use icloud":twocanoes.com/…   
    – Gringo Suave 光滑的外国佬                                                                 
     Apr 16, 2021 at 22:09                                                              
  • 2                                                            
    sysadminctl doesn't exist in the recovery mode.                                                                
    – tbeauvais 特博韦                                                                 
     Nov 25, 2023 at 19:08                                                              

I managed to get around this by using Disk Utility (from recovery mode) to "restore" my internal drive with the image on my external bootable drive. Voila, your bootable drive is no longer "external" and you can boot from it. You'll probably want to create a separate partition on your internal drive for the bootable partition to install to; ideally your second partition is the installer so that you can delete it later without the "you can't remove the first volume on the disk" error.我设法通过使用磁盘工具(从恢复模式)使用外部可启动驱动器上的映像“恢复”我的内部驱动器来解决此问题。瞧,您的可启动驱动器不再是“外部”驱动器,您可以从它启动。您可能需要在内部驱动器上创建一个单独的分区,以便安装可引导分区;理想情况下,您的第二个分区是安装程序,以便您稍后可以将其删除,而不会出现“您无法删除磁盘上的第一个卷”错误。

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A friend of mine got one of those corporate-managed MacBooks I think it was Meta so it will always go back to being managed by Meta. Anyhow with the T2 chip and security enabled so cannot boot from external devices. So the MacBook is a brick - re-installing it with any version of MacOS will will make it Meta controlled and she cannot log in as it's linked to Meta corporate accounts. So the only solution was to install Linux on it to make it useful.我的一个朋友买了一台企业管理的 MacBook,我认为它是 Meta 的,所以它总是会回到由 Meta 管理的状态。无论如何,T2 芯片和安全性已启用,因此无法从外部设备启动。因此,MacBook 是一块砖头 - 使用任何版本的 MacOS 重新安装它都会使其受到 Meta 控制,并且她无法登录,因为它链接到 Meta 公司帐户。所以唯一的解决办法就是在上面安装Linux以使其发挥作用。

This is how I achieved disabling the security:这就是我禁用安全性的方法:

  1. Start with 




     以 + 开头 
  2. At the start up utility go to Utils and select Terminal在启动实用程序中,转到实用程序并选择终端
  3. Either 

    dd /dev/disk1                                                        


    #rm -rf /                                                        

     dd /dev/disk1 或 #rm -rf / 
  4. Start the Mac and it will go for internet recovery, connect it to your Wi-Fi and let it do its job启动 Mac,它将进行互联网恢复,将其连接到您的 Wi-Fi 并让它完成其工作
  5. It will install Mojave whatever it is called. At the next start, just DO NOT connect it to the internet and just select not connected, the installation will go ahead and it will create a new admin user它将安装 Mojave,无论它叫什么。下次启动时,不要将其连接到互联网,只需选择未连接,安装将继续进行,并将创建一个新的管理员用户
  6. Once logged in, don't connect to the internet yet.登录后,暂时不要连接到互联网。
  7. Shutdown and restart with 




    使用 + 关闭并重新启动
  8. This time you can just go to startup security and enter your password and disable the security and you can now boot from an external USB and install your Linux distro.这次您只需进入启动安全性并输入密码并禁用安全性,然后您就可以从外部 USB 启动并安装 Linux 发行版。

ME 1 Meta IT 0ME 1 元 IT 0

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I was able to get to recovery mode by starting to select a start up disk and then quitting with Command - Q                                                    . Took me back to recovery mode and I was able to install Mojave on the internal drive.我能够通过开始选择启动磁盘然后使用 Command - Q 退出来进入恢复模式。带我回到恢复模式,我能够在内部驱动器上安装 Mojave。

(I had this exact issue and foolishly wiped the drive not realizing that the security was set to only internal drives.)(我遇到了这个确切的问题,并愚蠢地擦除了驱动器,没有意识到安全性仅设置为内部驱动器。)

William Tong’s answer is great, but similar to commenter, I could still not boot into recovery with the blank Mojave’s SSD. It would prompt that it couldn’t boot from external drive and to choose a startup disk or restart.William Tong 的回答很好,但与评论者类似,我仍然无法使用空白的 Mojave SSD 启动恢复。会提示无法从外部驱动器启动,需要选择启动盘或重新启动。

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    Welcome to Ask Different! Please refrain from adding comments in the Answer section, this is for answers to the questions. Once you have sufficientreputation                                                                   you’ll be able to addcomments                                                                   and ask follow-up questions. To gain reputation,answer questions that are clear and concise                                                                . - From Review   
    – fsb 前端总线                                                                 
     Aug 24, 2021 at 13:29                                                              

After referencing this article on Apple: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8509743                                                     and going through all three of that thread's recommendations:参考了有关 Apple 的这篇文章:https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8509743 并浏览了该线程的所有三个建议:

  1. Enable secure token in Terminal using the command:使用以下命令在终端中启用安全令牌:

    sysadminctl interactive -secureTokenOn <user name> -password <user password>                                                        

    This threw the following error:这引发了以下错误:

    2022-10-20 11:00:27.406 sysadminctl[1137:7904] setSecureTokenAuthorizationEnabled error Error Domain=com.apple.OpenDirectory Code=5101 "Authentication server refused operation because the current credentials are not authorized for the requested operation." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c41350 {Error Domain=com.apple.OpenDirectory Code=5101 "No existing unlock record" UserInfo={NSDescription=No existing unlock record}}, NSLocalizedDescription=Authentication server refused operation because the current credentials are not authorized for the requested operation., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Authentication server refused operation because the current credentials are not authorized for the requested operation.}                                                        

  2. Toggle FileVault on and then off again. Filevault would not enable, so the first part of that sequence can’t be completed.打开 FileVault,然后再次关闭。 Filevault 将无法启用,因此该序列的第一部分无法完成。

  3. Use the MacOS Setup Assistant to create a new admin account by deleting /var/db/.AppleSetupDone                                                             This was the first thing I tried, but the resulting admin account either didn’t generate the token or could not set it to On as it should have.使用 MacOS 设置助手通过删除 /var/db/.AppleSetupDone 创建新的管理员帐户这是我尝试的第一件事,但生成的管理员帐户要么没有生成令牌,要么无法将其设置为应有的状态有。

After all three of those failed, since I didn't need anything on the MBP's internal SSD, just get it deployable, I booted into Recovery, deleted the Boot volume, created a new Boot volume, and installed Monterrey into the new APFS volume. This apparently corrected whatever was at fault in BridgeOS, as the 501 admin account was recognized by the Startup Security Utility as an admin, and FileVault could be enabled normally.在这三个都失败之后,由于我不需要 MBP 内部 SSD 上的任何内容,只需将其部署即可,我启动进入恢复,删除启动卷,创建一个新的启动卷,并将 Monterrey 安装到新的 APFS 卷中。这显然纠正了 BridgeOS 中的任何错误,因为启动安全实用程序将 501 管理员帐户识别为管理员,并且可以正常启用 FileVault。

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You must log in                                     to answer this question.您必须登录才能回答这个问题。

来自  https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/364310/no-administrator-was-found-in-startup-security-utility                                




Hello, I was buy used mac, formated SSD and I was trying to install new macOS over internet recovery, but I was get message: "The recovery server could not be contacted".您好,我购买了二手 mac,格式化的 SSD,我正在尝试通过互联网恢复安装新的 macOS,但我收到消息:“无法联系恢复服务器”。


Now I am trying install os over bootable usb, but I can't boot, for security reason.现在我正在尝试通过可启动的 usb 安装操作系统,但出于安全原因,我无法启动。


In recovery mode, I would like change securtity, to boot from usb, but when I would like setup in Security Utility, I get message: Recovery is trying to change system settings. No Administrator was found.在恢复模式下,我想更改安全性,从USB启动,但是当我想在Security Utility中进行设置时,我收到消息:恢复正在尝试更改系统设置。未找到管理员。


This is Macbook pro 15 i7 2018 A1990这是Macbook pro 15 i7 2018 A1990


How can I resolve this issue?如何解决此问题?


Posted on Nov 18, 2023 1:04 PM发布于 2023年11月18日 下午 1:04

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Posted on Dec 6, 2023 7:08 AM发布日期 2023年12月6日 上午7:08

I'm on a M1 Mac mini and I'm also having the same issue. However, there's one additional message that shows for me (see attachments). Not sure why this message is showing. I don't use nor have an Apple keyboard let alone one with Touch ID!  Having access to the System Extensions is a requirement for some 3rd party applications.我使用的是 M1 Mac mini,我也遇到了同样的问题。但是,还有一条额外的消息显示给我(见附件)。不知道为什么会显示此消息。我不使用也没有 Apple 键盘,更不用说带有 Touch ID 的键盘了! 访问系统扩展是某些第三方应用程序的要求。


Is this a bug that only shows after restoring from back-up or selecting Migrate from Windows?这是仅在从备份还原或选择“从 Windows 迁移”后才显示的错误吗?


The user account is setup as the administrator. Plus, it's the only user account on my machine!用户帐户设置为管理员。另外,这是我机器上唯一的用户帐户!




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Dec 6, 2023 7:08 AM in response to Sasoz02042023年12月6日 上午7:08 以回应 Sasoz0204                    

I'm on a M1 Mac mini and I'm also having the same issue. However, there's one additional message that shows for me (see attachments). Not sure why this message is showing. I don't use nor have an Apple keyboard let alone one with Touch ID!  Having access to the System Extensions is a requirement for some 3rd party applications.我使用的是 M1 Mac mini,我也遇到了同样的问题。但是,还有一条额外的消息显示给我(见附件)。不知道为什么会显示此消息。我不使用也没有 Apple 键盘,更不用说带有 Touch ID 的键盘了! 访问系统扩展是某些第三方应用程序的要求。


Is this a bug that only shows after restoring from back-up or selecting Migrate from Windows?这是仅在从备份还原或选择“从 Windows 迁移”后才显示的错误吗?


The user account is setup as the administrator. Plus, it's the only user account on my machine!用户帐户设置为管理员。另外,这是我机器上唯一的用户帐户!





Nov 19, 2023 5:46 PM in response to Sasoz02042023年11月19日 下午 5点46分 回应 Sasoz0204                    

If you have a 2018 model, then you will not be able to boot from USB until you have installed & configured an OS on the laptop since the T2 security chip must be able to authenticate a valid macOS admin user account.   Your only option at this point is to reinstall macOS through Internet Recovery Mode.   Try usingCommand + Option + R                                to access Internet Recovery Mode to access the most recent online macOS installer which at this time is macOS 14.x Sonoma.如果您使用的是 2018 型号,那么在笔记本电脑上安装并配置操作系统之前,您将无法从 USB 启动,因为 T2 安全芯片必须能够验证有效的 macOS 管理员用户帐户。  此时,您唯一的选择是通过互联网恢复模式重新安装macOS。  尝试使用 Command + Option + R 访问 Internet 恢复模式以访问最新的在线 macOS 安装程序,目前是 macOS 14.x Sonoma。


The "The recovery server could not be contacted" error has been reported by users for months now for accessing older versions of macOS, but I wasn't sure if it was based on OS or just on older Obsolete hardware, but your laptop suggests it is OS based.   I would suggest providing Apple with product feedback here making sure to mention your 2018 laptop model since it is still fully supported hardware (or is supposed to be anyway).几个月来,用户一直报告“无法联系恢复服务器”错误,用于访问旧版本的macOS,但我不确定它是否基于操作系统或仅基于较旧的过时硬件,但您的笔记本电脑表明它是基于操作系统的。  我建议在这里向苹果提供产品反馈,确保提及您的2018年笔记本电脑型号,因为它仍然是完全受支持的硬件(或者无论如何都应该如此)。

Product Feedback - Apple 产品反馈 - Apple (中国)                             


If you still have trouble with Internet Recovery Mode for Sonoma, then you may need to perform a firmware "Restore                                " followed by another attempt at Internet Recovery Mode usingCommand + Option + R                                .如果您仍然无法使用Sonoma的Internet恢复模式,则可能需要执行固件“恢复”,然后使用Command + Option + R再次尝试Internet恢复模式。


Keep this in mind if you ever decide to repair your laptop since one day you may be unable to use Internet Recovery Mode at all to reinstall macOS once this laptop becomes Obsolete.如果您决定修理笔记本电脑,请记住这一点,因为一旦这台笔记本电脑过时,您可能根本无法使用 Internet 恢复模式重新安装 macOS。


Jan 28, 2024 11:58 AM in response to laurstoica20072024年1月28日 上午11:58 以回应laurstoica2007                    

Yes creating a new macOS admin user account may be an option to be able to get past the "No Administrator was found" error when booting into Recovery Mode, but it is only a workaround and not a true fix because the Apple Silicon Mac still has some sort of problem with the security enclave chip & the information it contains.是的,创建一个新的macOS管理员用户帐户可能是一个选项,可以在启动到恢复模式时克服“找不到管理员”错误,但这只是一种解决方法,而不是真正的修复方法,因为Apple Silicon Mac在安全飞地芯片及其包含的信息方面仍然存在某种问题。


Sooner or later you will encounter this problem again, or one similar to it.   The next time the only fix may be to perform a DFU firmware Restore which will completely destroy all data on the internal SSD & push a fresh copy of macOS onto the internal SSD as well as resetting the security enclave chip & system firmware.迟早你会再次遇到这个问题,或者类似的问题。  下一次唯一的修复可能是执行DFU固件还原,这将完全销毁内部SSD上的所有数据,并将macOS的新副本推送到内部SSD上,以及重置安全飞地芯片和系统固件。


Make sure to always have frequent and regular backups of the computer because there are a lot of new ways to permanently lose access to the data on an internal SSD these days.                                This "No Administrator found" error is just one possibility especially if macOS cannot boot normally to create a new macOS admin user account.确保始终对计算机进行频繁和定期的备份,因为现在有很多新方法可以永久失去对内部 SSD 上数据的访问权限。  此“未找到管理员”错误只是一种可能性,特别是如果macOS无法正常启动以创建新的macOS管理员用户帐户。


Thanks for providing a workaround, but I highly recommend anyone who encounters this issue should find a permanent fix for it.感谢您提供解决方法,但我强烈建议遇到此问题的任何人都应该找到永久修复程序。


Dec 7, 2023 4:59 PM in response to iciconnect2023年12月7日 下午 4点59分 回应 iciconnect                    

iciconnect wrote: iciconnect 写道: 

I'm on a M1 Mac mini and I'm also having the same issue. However, there's one additional message that shows for me (see attachments). Not sure why this message is showing. I don't use nor have an Apple keyboard let alone one with Touch ID!我使用的是 M1 Mac mini,我也遇到了同样的问题。但是,还有一条额外的消息显示给我(见附件)。不知道为什么会显示此消息。我不使用也没有 Apple 键盘,更不用说带有 Touch ID 的键盘了!

It may not quite be the same issue, although it may be similar since there are differences between the Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.    I have found that macOS error messages can be very cryptic and even misleading these days.它可能不完全是同一个问题,尽管它可能很相似,因为英特尔和苹果硅 Mac 之间存在差异。   我发现这些天macOS错误消息可能非常隐晦,甚至具有误导性。


Having access to the System Extensions is a requirement for some 3rd party applications.访问系统扩展是某些第三方应用程序的要求。

Is the app compatible with your version of macOS?   And with an Apple Silicon Mac?   macOS 13.x+ is changing the way extensions work, so older style extensions may no longer be compatible.  Check with the developer of the app for assistance and to confirm compatibility with your Apple Silicon Mac and version of macOS.该应用程序是否与您的 macOS 版本兼容?  而 Apple Silicon Mac 呢?  macOS 13.x+ 正在改变扩展的工作方式,因此旧式扩展可能不再兼容。 请与 App 开发者联系以获取帮助,并确认是否与您的 Apple Silicon Mac 和 macOS 版本兼容。


You may want to try booting intoSafe Mode                                to see if that makes a difference since maybe you have some other third party software installed which is interfering with the normal operation of macOS.  Usual culprits are anti-virus apps, cleaning/optimizer apps, and third party security software.您可能想尝试启动到安全模式,看看这是否有所作为,因为您可能安装了其他一些第三方软件,这些软件会干扰macOS的正常运行。 常见的罪魁祸首是防病毒应用程序、清理/优化器应用程序和第三方安全软件。


Is this a bug that only shows after restoring from back-up or selecting Migrate from Windows?这是仅在从备份还原或选择“从 Windows 迁移”后才显示的错误吗?

The user account is setup as the administrator. Plus, it's the only user account on my machine!用户帐户设置为管理员。另外,这是我机器上唯一的用户帐户!

Both are certainly a possibility.  I have even seen authentication bugs with the Intel T2 Macs.  Apple Silicon Macs have introduced the concept of ownership which can further complicate things with the security enclave chip.两者当然都是一种可能性。 我什至看到了英特尔 T2 Mac 的身份验证错误。 Apple Silicon Mac 引入了所有权的概念,这可能会使安全飞地芯片的事情进一步复杂化。


Just curious if you have Filevault enabled?只是好奇您是否启用了 Filevault?


So you may have just one issue, or maybe two different issues.  You obviously have an authentication issue with the security enclave....most likely it will require reinstallation of macOS or a firmware "Restore", but I'm not certain.  A second possible issue may be a compatibility issue with your third party app with macOS/Apple Silicon Mac, or a compatibility issue with other third party software.   I would suggest resolving the security enclave authentication issue first since that may require you to reinstall macOS.   Probably would be best to start your own new thread if you need any assistance beyond this little bit I've provided.   Please make sure to reference my post and anything you have tried so the new thread has enough background details.因此,您可能只有一个问题,或者可能有两个不同的问题。 您显然对安全 enclave 存在身份验证问题。很可能需要重新安装macOS或固件“恢复”,但我不确定。 第二个可能的问题可能是您的第三方应用程序与 macOS/Apple Silicon Mac 的兼容性问题,或者与其他第三方软件的兼容性问题。  我建议首先解决安全隔区身份验证问题,因为这可能需要您重新安装macOS。  除了我提供的这一点之外,如果您需要任何帮助,最好开始自己的新线程。  请确保参考我的帖子和您尝试过的任何内容,以便新线程有足够的背景详细信息。


May 1, 2024 2:53 AM in response to laurstoica20072024年5月1日 凌晨 2点53分 以回应laurstoica2007                    

I have this same problem, but the temporary new administrator user workaround did not work for me.我有同样的问题,但临时新管理员用户解决方法对我不起作用。


I also found out something that the others are not describing: to use the temporary administrator workaround, you need to login normally with that user at least once, or Recovery Mode will not show it to you as an option to login in (probably the new user's profile must be created).我还发现了其他人没有描述的东西:要使用临时管理员解决方法,您需要至少使用该用户正常登录一次,否则恢复模式不会将其显示为登录选项(可能必须创建新用户的个人资料)。


My case may be a bit more complicated than what the others describe. I need to reduce security on a macOS installationon an external disk                                . The external disk installation works nicely on my first laptop (M1 Pro) , including all the extensions, but not on the second (M2), that is where the temporary administrator workaround fails.我的情况可能比其他人描述的要复杂一些。我需要降低在外部磁盘上安装 macOS 的安全性。外部磁盘安装在我的第一台笔记本电脑(M1 Pro)上运行良好,包括所有扩展,但在第二台(M2)上则不然,这是临时管理员解决方法失败的地方。


Jan 28, 2024 9:24 AM in response to Sasoz02042024 年 1 月 28 日 上午 9:24 以响应 Sasoz0204                    

Check out this video worked for me :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhITaH3VcyU(1) Enabling System Extensions with "No Adminstrator Was Found" on an M1/M2 Mac [FIXED] - YouTube                                看看这个视频对我有用: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhITaH3VcyU(1) 在 M1/M2 Mac 上使用“未找到管理员”启用系统扩展 [已修复] - YouTube

来自  https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/364310/no-administrator-was-found-in-startup-security-utility


