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后产生的代码 通过 live 调用 fancybox 经测试绝对正确

shiping1 的头像
5 down vote accepted

I had a similar problem. I found something which looked promising over here if you are interested. The solution over there that seemed to work for most was to edit the fancybox code, replacing .bind with .live. I couldn't get that to work for image galleries, though. Another suggestion (comment 14) did work (and doesn't require any messing with fanybox). Try,

$("a.fancyness").live("mouseover focus", function() {
    $("a.fancyness").fancybox( {
        'width'         : 'auto',
        'height'        : 'auto',
        'titleShow'     : true,
        'titlePosition' : 'over'
来自 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7234940/fancybox-gallery-with-jquerys-live