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星期日, 2014-11-02 22:12 — shiping1
¤什么是about:config¤about:config是Firefox的设置页面,Firefox提供了不少高级设置选项在这里以便让你可以更加详细地控制Firefox的运行方式。官方不推荐用户手工修改about:config的设置。所以,如果你对于你想修改的内容不是非常确定的话,请不要去改变它。)打开Firefox中about:config设置的方法是在Firefox地址栏输入about:config,然后回车。这份列表包括了尽可能多的 Mozilla参数。虽然它并不完整,但它可以说是目前互联网上最全面的一份参数说明了。此列表适用于 Mozilla Suite, MozillaFirebird, MozillaThunderbird或其派生的产品及相关扩展。如果没有找到您需要的参数,您还可以到MozillaZine站的英文版About:configentries (中寻找。注意:所有使用到 FOO 或者 BAR 的地方都是通配符。使用数字或文本替换它(具体用什么取决于上下文环境),Mozilla 将只列出匹配此模式的选项。about:config 中的条目非常多,我们把它按照字母顺序分割为若干小块。比如,凡是以字母 a 开头的项均列入到A页中,以此类推。目前,about:config 说明还不完善,期待你的翻译和改进。部分问题的解决:1、鼠标滚轮的设置mousewheel.withnokey.numlines 设置滚动的行数 mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines false 只有关闭以后以上设置才会生效等待添加。。。。。。。。¤正文介绍¤1、accessibilityNavigation aids and useability * 浏览辅助工具1、 accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation *是否允许通过accesskey属性来激活相应的事件(默认值true),比如网页中一个设置了accesskey属性为“k”的按钮(button),可以通过Alt+k来产生一个点击(click事件)。2、accessibility.browsewithcaret * 用光标来浏览网页(可通过F7开关)3、accessibility.disablecache * 不使用cache4、accessibility.disableenumvariant * [有待测试]5、accessibility.tabfocus * 设定可以通过按TAB键来依次获得哪些页面元素的焦点1 : Text field form controls only * 仅表单中的文本输入框2 : All form controls except text fields * 除了文本输入框外的其它表单输入控件3 : All form controls * 表单中的所有输入控件4 : Hyperlinks and hyperlinked images * 超级链接和超级链接图片7 : All form controls and hyperlinks * 表单中所有的输入控件和超级链接6、accessibility.typeaheadfind * 打开\"type-ahead find\"(现在叫\"Find as you type\")功能,如名字所说,敲入几个字母,将快速定位到第一个包含这些字母的链接上。或许可以翻译成\"即敲即找\"。7、accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart * 快速启动type-ahead find功能而无须按/键(寻找文本)或者'键(寻找链接)。8、accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound * 允许在type-ahead find找不到时发出报错声(Linux/Unix下默认关闭,其他平台默认打开)9、accessibility.typeaheadfind.enabletimeout * 从键名上来看,这段英文估计也是错误的……应该是允许超时之类10、accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly * 只允许type-ahead find定位链接11、accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL * 给出报错声音的文件名(.wav), * default:默认声音 * beep:系统蜂鸣声12、 accessibility.typeaheadfind.startlinksonly * 限制type-aheadfind只从链接开头搜索而不是从任何地方开始,*(比如输入kmc将定位到链接文字为\"kmc is aboy\"的链接,但是不会定位到\"All boys are not kmc!\"上面)13、accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout * 在type-ahead find自动失效之前的超时时间14、accessibility.usebrailledisplay * 填入在Mozilla中用的盲文输出程序的命令行启动命令(没有时填blank)15、accessibility.usetexttospeech * 通过键入命令行在Mozilla中启动读屏软件16、accessibility.warn_on_browsewithcaret * 当用用光标来浏览网页是否给出提示(参见accessibility.browsewithcaret)17、adblock.enable * 广告屏蔽开启18、adblock.fastcollapse *19、adblock.frameobjects *20、adblock.hide* 广告隐藏21、adblock.linkcheck *22、adblock.pageblock *23、adblock.patterns *24、addressbook.throbber * 地址簿throbber的设置25、addressbook.throbber.url * 点击throbber转向的链接地址26、advanced.always_load_images * 访问页面是总是载入所有图片27、advanced.mailftp * 对匿名ftp,发送用户的邮件地址作为密码(类似于FlashFxp里面的设置)28、advanced.system.supportDDEExec * 支持执行DDE命令行29、alerts.height * 字面意思应该是提示框的高度,实际修改后未见效果30、alerts.slideIncrement * \"滑出\"提示效果(类似于气泡提示)的步进值(单位:象素)31、alerts.slideIncrementTime * \"滑出\"动画效果的间隔时间,数字越小滑动速度越快(单位:毫秒)32、alerts.totalOpenTime * 设定提示的持续时间(单位:毫秒)33、alexarankstatuspref.state *34、app.build_id35、app.extensions.version * 安装扩展时向扩展报告的Firefox版本号36、app.id37、app.update.autoUpdateEnable38、app.update.enable39、app.update.interval40、app.update.lastupdatedate * 记录最后一次更新的时间41、app.update.performed42、app.update.updatesAvailable43、app.update.url44、app.version45、application.use_ns_plugin_finder* 寻找Netscape浏览器的插件46、autoadmin.append_emailaddr * 自动添加收到的e-mail的地址到地址簿47、autoadmin.failover_to_cached * 如果不能访问页面,自动加载缓存的页面来替代48、autoadmin.global_config_url49、autoadmin.offline_failover * 如果不能在线浏览,自动切换到离线浏览方式50、autoadmin.refresh_interval * 加载autoadmin.global_config_url指定的配置文件的时间间隔,以分钟计51、autocomplete.grab_during_popup * (仅适用于 X11)指定自动完成弹出控制是否应该获取键盘输入。* 默认值为 true。 本首选项可设置为 false,以规避一个 XKB 不能正确设置模式切换的 bug。52、autocomplete.ungrab_during_mode_switch * (仅适用于 X11)本选项是 autocomplete.grab_during_popup 的补充。*若两个首选项都为 true,在自动完成会话期间,模式切换键被按下/弹起时,应用程序放弃/获取键盘输入。* 若两个首选项中任何一个为 false,则在自动完成会话期间,应用程序不会放弃已获取的键盘输入。* 默认值为 true。53、autoupdate.enabled * 允许自动更新54、backups.number_of_prefs_copies * 根据配置文件生成的拷贝份数()55、bidi.characterset * 浏览器怎样决定使用的字符集* 1 : 文档指定的字符集* 2 : 默认字符集56、bidi.clipboardtextmode * 使用的剪贴板类型* 1 : Logical* 2 : Visual* 3 : Source57、bidi.controlstextmode* 1 : Logical* 2 : Visual* 3 : Container58、bidi.direction * 选择文字阅读顺序* 1 : Left-to-right * 从左到右* 2 : Right-to-left * 从右到左59、bidi.numeral* 怎样显示数字* 1 : 规则的上下文数字* 2 : 印地语上下文数字* 3 : 阿拉伯数字* 4 : 印地语数字(天城体字母)60、* 选择双向语言支持的提供者* 1 : Mozilla浏览器* 2 : 操作系统* 3 : 禁用61、bidi.texttype * 1 : Charset * 2 : Logical * 3 : Visual62、browser.active_color * 激活链接的颜色 * 默认的链接颜色(#RRGGBB)63、browser.anchor_color *64、browser.allowpopups * 允许未请求的弹出窗口65、browser.always_reuse_window * 当 OS 请求打开一个 URL 时,总是重用已经存在的 Mozilla 窗口。66、browser.blink_allowed * 允许使用标签67、browser.block * 浏览器拦截功能设置68、browser.block.target_new_window * 阻止链接打开新窗口69、browser.bookmarks * 浏览器收藏夹70、browser.bookmarks.added_static_root * Mozilla是否导入了系统收藏夹(对每个用户配置只询问一次)71、browser.bookmarks.confirm_sorting * 激活对收藏夹排序时的确认询问对话框72、browser.bookmarks.import_system_favourites * 是否导入系统收藏夹(一般是IE收藏夹)到Mozilla73、browser.cache * 浏览器缓存74、browser.cache.check_doc_frequency * 设定检查是否需要更新缓存文档的频率* 0 : Once per session * 每个进程一次 每次启动Firefox时检查* 1 : Each time * 每次访问此页时检查* 2 : Never * 不检查* 3 : When appropriate/automatically * 自动75、browser.cache.disk * 浏览器磁盘缓存76、Browser disk cache settings * 浏览器磁盘缓存设置77、browser.cache.disk.capacity * 磁盘缓存大小(单位: KB)78、browser.cache.disk.enable * 是否使用磁盘缓存79、browser.cache.disk.parent_directory * 存放缓存文件的路径80、browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl * 是否通过HTTPS/SSL(数据加密)方式来获得缓存文档80、browser.cache.enable * 允许缓存从浏览器获取的文档()估计是pdf, doc之列81、browser.cache.memory * 浏览器内存缓存82、Browser memory cache settings *浏览器内存缓存设置83、browser.cache.memory.capacity * 内存缓存大小(单位:KB)84、browser.cache.memory.enable * 是否使用内存缓存85、 * 是否在地址栏显示网站的个性化图标86、 * 是否在收藏夹显示网站的个性化图标87、 * 是否在指向浏览器工具栏图标时显示提示88、 * 设定浏览器工具栏风格* 0 : Pictures Only * 仅图片* 1 : Text Only * 仅文字* 2 : Pictures and Text * 图片和文字89、browser.chromeURL * 指定加载浏览器XUL的URL90、browser.display * 用以个性化浏览器的显示方式91、browser.display.background_color * 设定默认的浏览器背景色(格式:#RRGGBB),例如:#FFFFFF表示纯白色背景。92、browser.display.base_font_scaler93、browser.display.focus_background_color * 设定焦点位置文字的背景色(例如type-ahead find中找到的文字)94、browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything * 是否用虚线框住选定对象()95、browser.display.focus_ring_width * 设定上述虚线框的宽度(单位:像素)96、browser.display.focus_text_color * 设定焦点位置文字的颜色/前景色(格式:#RRGGBB),例如:#FFFFFF表示纯黑色文字。97、browser.display.force_inline_alttext * Force display of ALT text inline with browser text * 看不懂……98、browser.display.foreground_color * 设定默认的浏览器前景色(格式:#RRGGBB),例如:#FFFFFF表示纯黑色前景。99、browser.display.internaluse.graphics_changed * 保留值:仅供内部调用100、browser.display.normal_lineheight_calc_control * 用来确保CSS的行高度被正确的计算(作者不确定那我也不确定……)101、browser.display.screen_resolution * 屏幕解析度(单位:DPI)102、browser.display.show_image_placeholders * 图像下载失败或正在下载时是否显示占位符(IE中也有)103、browser.display.use_document_colors * 是否允许当前的文档指定所需的颜色(若设为false,背景图片也不会被载入)104、browser.display.use_document_fonts * 是否允许当前的文档指定所需的字体105、browser.display.use_focus_colors * 是否使用Windows指定的焦点颜色106、browser.display.use_system_colors * 是否自动为前景和背景选择系统颜色107、browser.display_very_small_fonts * 是否允许在浏览器中显示非常小的字体108、browser.dom.window.dump.enabled * 是否允许输出DOM窗口(不知道什么意思)109、 * 上一次下载的目录110、 * 下载进度窗口设置111、 *允许完成下载后显示\"打开\"和\"打开所在文件夹\"按钮(好奇的试了一下,该键值无论是true还是false都没法显示这两个按钮,相反,点右键却总有\"打开\"和\"打开所在文件夹\"两个选项)112、 * 下载完成后是否仍打开进度对话框113、 * 下载进度对话框设置(更多设置)114、 * 从下载对话框运行一个文件时不要每次都询问115、 * [有待测试]116、browser.downloadmanager.behavior * 设定下载管理器如何工作* 0 : Open the download manager * 打开下载管理器* 1 : Open a progress dialog * 打开进度对话框* 2 : Don't open anything * 什么也不打开117、browser.drag_out_of_frame_style * [有待测试]118、browser.editor.disabled * 禁用编辑器(不显示\"编辑页面\"选项)119、browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing * 大图片自动适应窗口120、browser.fixup * 修复非法链接设置121、browser.fixup.alternate * 指定替代的URLs去尝试122、browser.fixup.alternate.enabled * 允许使用替代URLs123、browser.fixup.alternate.prefix * 放置在URL域名前的文字124、browser.fixup.alternate.suffix * 放置在URL域名后的文字125、browser.forms.submit.backwards_compatible * 提交表单时使用向后兼容的方式126、browser.frame.validate_origin * 在显示前验证框架来源的合法性127、browser.frames.enabled * 允许在浏览器中显示框架128、browser.goBrowsing * 浏览器\"转到\"按钮的使用129、browser.goBrowsing.enabled * 在浏览器中显示\"转到\"按钮130、browser.helperApps * 设置浏览器如何处理不同类型的文件(例如:打开/保存)131、browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk * \"总是询问用户\"设置132、browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force * 强制浏览器总是询问用户该干什么133、browser.helperApps.neverAsk * \"从不询问用户\"设置134、browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile * 设置浏览器总是自动打开的MIME类型135、browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk * 设置浏览器总是自动存盘的MIME类型136、browser.history.grouping * day : Group by day 按日分组 * none : No grouping137、browser.history.last_page_visited * 上一次访问的页面138、browser.history_expire_days * 历史中保存几天之内访问过的页面139、browser.homepage.mode * [有待测试]140、browser.personal_toolbar_button.max_chars * 每个按钮最多显示的字符个数(默认是15)141、browser.plugins.max_num_cached_plugins * Number of plugins held around when plugin wants to be cached (default: 10)142、browser.popups.showPopupBlocker * 当一个弹出窗口被拦截时显示图标143、browser.quartz.enable * (只用于OS X)定制是否使用可用的石英渲染(Quartz rendering)。默认值:是144、browser.related.autoload * AutoLoad behavior for What's Related145、browser.related.disabledForDomains * Comma-separated list of domains that are excluded from What's Related146、browser.related.enabled147、browser.related.provider *URL of provider of What's Related service148、、 * 可接受的私家侦探最低版本(见、 * 定制默认搜索引擎插件细节的URI151、 * 定制决定默认引擎名称的现场URI152、 * 定制决定默认引擎URL的现场URI153、 *RDF query that specifies last categorisation used for search154、 * 使用基本或者高级搜索模式* 0 : Basic * 基本模式* 1 : Advanced * 高级模式155、 *是否将地址栏中的搜索在侧栏中打开156、 * 启用地址栏的高级搜索* 0 : Use simple search * 使用简单搜索* 1 : Use advanced search * 使用高级搜索157、browser.session.savesessionhistory * 保存进程历史(难道是保存搜索历史的选项)158、browser.sessionhistory * 浏览器地址栏历史设置159、browser.sessionhistory.max_entries * 地址栏保存项目的最大值160、browser.show_about_as_stupid_modal_window * 将帮助->关于显示在对话框中,而不是作为一个web页面显示161、browser.startup * 配置浏览器启动参数162、browser.startup.autoload_homepage * 是否在浏览器启动时打开主页163、browser.startup.homepage * 设置主页地址164、browser.startup.homepage.count * 设置主页启动组数目165、browser.startup.homepage_override * 浏览器主页覆盖设置166、 * 打开浏览器时自动加载主页167、browser.tabs * 配置标签浏览168、browser.tabs.autoHide * 当只有一个页面时是否隐藏标签栏169、browser.tabs.forceHide * 是否始终隐藏标签栏170、browser.tabs.loadInBackground * 是否在后台打开新标签页171、browser.tabs.loadOnNewTab * 新建标签页时,打开--* -1 : Browser startup page * -1:浏览器启动页面* 0 : Blank page * 0:空白页* 1 : Your homepage * 1:主页* 2 : Last visited page * 2:最后浏览过的页面172、browser.tabs.opentabfor * 设定标签打开动作173、browser.tabs.opentabfor.bookmarks * 点击书签项目时是否在新标签页中打开174、browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick * 是否设定当用中键点击时在新标签页中打开175、browser.tabs.opentabfor.urlbar * 在地址栏中输入CTRL + ENTER时是否在新标签页中打开 * 其实不一定是按CTRL+ENTER的时候 只要是通过地址栏中打开176、 browser.tabs.opentabfor.windowopen *在任何情况下都打开新标签页而不是新窗口(嗯,这个好,打开新窗口相当于启动一个新的firefox)改成true后,重新启动Firefox.在\"工具-选项-高级-标签页浏览\"下会出现 \"强制打开新窗口连接在\" 在这个选项前打勾177、browser.tabs.warnOnClose * 当关闭多个标签页时是否给出警告178、browser.throbber.url * 定制点击\"活动指示器\"(主窗口右上角处)的链接179、browser.toolbars * 定制浏览器工具栏180、browser.toolbars.showbutton * 显示这些工具栏按钮181、browser.toolbars.showbutton.bookmarks * 是否在工具栏上显示\"书签\"按钮182、browser.toolbars.showbutton.go * 是否在工具栏上显示\"转到\"按钮183、browser.toolbars.showbutton.home * 是否在工具栏上显示\"主页\"按钮184、browser.toolbars.showbutton.print * 是否在工具栏上显示\"打印\"按钮185、 * 是否在工具栏上显示\"搜索\"按钮186、browser.translation * 内置的浏览器翻译服务187、browser.translation.service * 在旧版浏览器中使用过的翻译服务的URL188、browser.translation.serviceDomain * 在旧版浏览器中使用过的翻译服务的URL列表189、browser.triple_click_selects_paragraph * 允许三击(连续三击用来选定段落)190、browser.turbo * 快速启动选项191、browser.turbo.enabled * 启用快速启动192、browser.turbo.showDialog * 启动Mozilla时从不要求选择用户配置文件193、browser.underline_anchors * 超级链接使用下划线194、browser.urlbar.autoFill * 自动完成最符合您的输入的URL195、browser.urlbar.autocomplete * 地址栏自动完成设置196、browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled * 允许自动完成197、 browser.urlbar.clickAtEndSelects *如果下面这条规则(browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll istrue)成立时,即使鼠标点击到地址栏的空白处也高亮选定整个地址栏(ft,这样的规则……真够详细的)198、browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll * 点击地址栏时高亮选定其中内容199、browser.urlbar.autocomplete.matchOnlyTyped * 地址栏自动完成功能仅针对曾在地址栏中输入过的URL200、browser.urlbar.autocomplete.showPopup * 在下拉菜单中显示所有可匹配的自动完成项目201、browser.urlbar.autocomplete.showSearch *显示搜索202、browser.visited_color * 设置已访问链接的颜色(#RRGGBB)203、 * 在新建的窗口中打开:* -1 : Browser startup page浏览器启动页面* 0 : Blank page空白页面* 1 : Your homepage主页* 2 : Last visited上一次访问过的页面204、calendar.categories.names * 一列用逗号分割的分类205、 * 日期显示设置206、 *日历的日期格式* 0 : Long短格式* 1 : Short长格式207、calendar.week.start * 0 : Sunday * 1 : Monday * 2 : Tuesday * 3 : Wednesday * 4 : Thursday * 5 : Friday * 6 : Saturday208、capability.policy * Mozilla性能策略209、capability.policy.default * 默认策略210、capability.policy.default.DOMException * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access211、capability.policy.default.DOMParser * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access212、capability.policy.default.HTMLDocument * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access213、capability.policy.default.History * 允许访问历史属性和methods(method怎么翻译啊) * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access214、capability.policy.default.Location * 允许访问地址栏属性和methods(下面几个类似了) * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access215、capability.policy.default.Navigator * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access216、capability.policy.default.SOAPCall * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access217、capability.policy.default.Window * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access218、capability.policy.default.XMLHttpRequest * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access219、capability.policy.mailnews. * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access220、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMException * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access221、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMParser,parseFromStream * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access222、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMParser,parseFromString * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access223、capability.policy.mailnews.HTMLAnchor * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access224、capability.policy.mailnews.HTMLDocument * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access225、capability.policy.mailnews.Location * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access226、capability.policy.mailnews.Range * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access227、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPCall * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access228、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPEncoding * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access229、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPFault * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access230、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPHeaderBlock * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access231、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPParameter * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access232、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPPropertyBagMutator * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access233、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPResponse * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access234、capability.policy.mailnews.SchemaLoader * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access235、capability.policy.mailnews.Window * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access236、capability.policy.mailnews.XMLHttpRequest * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access237、capability.policy.mailnews.XMLSerializer * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access238、capability.policy.mailnews.document * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access239、capability.policy.mailnews.sites * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access240、 capability.policy.policynames *Comma-separated list of definedpolicies. For example, if the value of this field is 'popupsites',Mozilla will look for and apply policies under'capability.policy.popupsites.*' as for the 'default' scheme.241、capability.policy.popupsites *Suggested policy name to apply to Mozilla sites that display unwelcome popups.242、capability.policy.popupsites.windowinternal *Policy to apply to Mozilla sites that display unwelcome popups243、 *Allow accessto opening windows * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access244、clipboard.autocopy * 自动复制到剪贴板(选定后放开左键即复制,类似于mIRC)经测试又无效,变成true了还是没有自动复制,不知道怎么了,我测试的大部分键值都有问题。245、compose.throbber.url *Specifies URI to load when composer throbber is clicked246、content.interrupt.parsing * [有待测试]247、content.max.tokenizing.time * [有待测试]248、content.maxtextrun * [有待测试]249、content.notify.backoffcount * [有待测试]250、content.notify.interval * [有待测试]251、content.notify.ontimer * [有待测试]252、content.switch.threshold * [有待测试]253、converter.html2txt.header_strategy *Set how headers are used when converting HTML to Text* 0 : No Identation* 1 : Indentation, increased with header level* 2 : Numbering and slight indentation254、converter.html2txt.structs *Output structured phrases (based on strong, em, code, sub, sup, b, i, u tags)255、custtoolbar.personal_toolbar_folder *Override name of the Personal Toolbar Folder256、dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows * 允许Javascript关闭窗口257、dom.disable_cookie_get * 允许Javascript读取cookie258、dom.disable_cookie_set * 允许Javascript创建/改变cookie259、dom.disable_image_src_set * 允许Javascript改变图片260、dom.disable_open_click_delay * 禁止在某一特定的延迟后打开弹出窗口261、dom.disable_open_during_load * 允许Javascript打开未请求的窗口262、dom.disable_window_flip * 允许Javascript最大化/最小化窗口263、dom.disable_window_move_resize * 允许Javascript移动窗口/改变窗口尺寸264、dom.disable_window_open_feature * 弹出窗口设置(选项都可望文生义)265、dom.disable_window_status_change * 允许Javascript改变窗口状态栏的显示内容266、editor.active_link_color *Hex value (#RRGGBB) for a link that has just been clicked on267、editor.always_show_publish_dialog *Always show the Publish dialog when saving pages268、 *Default author for Composer documents269、editor.auto_save *Enable/Disable automatic saving270、editor.auto_save_delay *If auto_save enabled, how many minutes between saves271、editor.background_color *Default custom hex value (#RRGGBB) for background color272、editor.background_image *Default location for background image273、editor.css.default_length_unit *Determines default units for measurement in CSS* cm : Centimetres* em : Em space* ex : Ex space* in : Inches* mm : Millimetres* % : Percentage of parent element* pc : Picas* px : Pixels* pt : Point274、editor.default_background_image *Set default background image to use when creating new web pages275、editor.encode_entity * [有待测试]276、editor.followed_link_color *Default custom hex color (#RRGGBB) for visited links277、editor.history *Composer history settings278、editor.history_title_FOO *Recently edited document FOO279、editor.history_url_FOO *Recently edited document URL FOO280、editor.history.url_maximum *Number of URLs Composer will store for recent pages281、editor.hrule.align *Alignment of new horizontal line (HRULE)* 0 : Left* 1 : Center* 2 : Right282、editor.hrule.height *Default horizontal line height (HRULE)283、editor.hrule.shading *3D Shading on284、editor.hrule.width *Default HRULE width285、editor.hrule.width_percent *Width measured in % of window (If false, use absolute pixels)286、editor.html.typing.returnInEmptyListItemClosesList * [有待测试]287、editor.htmlWrapColumn *Value after which Composer will wrap HTML288、editor.html_editor *Location of outside HTML editor (blank for none)289、editor.image_editor *Location of outside graphics editor (blank for none)290、editor.lastFileLocation *Preferences for last file location291、editor.lastFileLocation.html *Location of last HTML file opened292、editor.lastFileLocation.image *Location of last image file opened293、editor.link_color *链接颜色Default custom hex color value (#RRGGBB) for unvisited link294、editor.prettyprint *Color-code/format HTML for readability295、editor.publish *Publishing settings (most settings only present if Publish has been configured)296、editor.publish. * Unknown settings, probably bug297、editor.publish.default_site *Default site to publish to298、editor.publish.site_data *Contains settings for each Publish site299、editor.publish.site_data.FOO *FOO site data300、editor.publish.site_name *Contains naming information for each Publish site, in order from 0301、editor.publish.site_name.FOO *Site name FOO (look up this value's entry in editor.publish.site_data for more information)302、editor.quotesPreformatted *Preformat quotes303、editor.save_associated_files *Save associated files (images, etc.) when saving web page304、editor.singleLine *Single line options305、editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines *Convert up to X lines into a URL (good for copying URLs split over multiple lines)306、editor.table.delete_key *是否显示 标签关闭按钮307、editor.table.maintain_structure *Maintain table layout when inserting/deleting cells308、editor.text_color *文本颜色Default custom hex text color (#RRGGBB) for new pages309、editor.throbber.url *URL throbber points to when clicked310、editor.toolbars *Customize Editor toolbars311、editor.toolbars.showbutton.FOO *Show button FOO312、editor.use_background_image *Composer uses background image (seems to have no effect)313、editor.use_css *Use CSS instead of HTML attributes314、editor.use_custom_colors *Use customs colors defined above in New Page Settings315、editor.use_custom_default_colors * [有待测试]316、editor.use_html_editor *Use an outside HTML editor (defined in editor.html_editor)* 0 : No* 1 : Yes317、editor.use_image_editor *Whether to use an outside graphics editor (defined in editor.image_editor)* 0 : No* 1 : Yes318、extensions.irc.colorCodes *Allow IRC color codes319、extensions.irc.debug *Debugging options for ChatZilla!320、extensions.irc.debug.tracer *Debugger tracing on321、extensions.irc.desc *Default description used when chatting (/desc [name])322、extensions.irc.focusNewTab *Focus switches to new tabs when opened323、extensions.irc.initialScripts *Initial scripts to run when Chatzilla! is started324、extensions.irc.initialURLs *Initial URLs to open when ChatZilla! is started325、extensions.irc.msgBeep *Beep pattern to use when new message is received326、extensions.irc.munger *Sets how ChatZilla! handles text (converting text to smilies, etc.)327、extensions.irc.munger.bold *Mark *text* as bold328、extensions.irc.munger.bugzilla-link *Display URL link to BugZilla on startup329、 *Display URL links to IRC channels on startup330、extensions.irc.munger.colorCodes *Allow use of color codes340、extensions.irc.munger.ctrl-char * [有待测试]341、extensions.irc.munger.ear *Convert 'ear' ASCII art to graphics342、extensions.irc.munger.face *Convert 'face' ASCII art to graphics343、extensions.irc.munger.italic *Mark /text/ as italic344、 *Mark up URLs as links345、extensions.irc.munger.mailto *Mark up e-mail addresses as links346、extensions.irc.munger.rheet * [有待测试]347、extensions.irc.munger.smileyText *Convert smiley text to graphics348、extensions.irc.munger.teletype *Enable display of text in teletype format349、extensions.irc.munger.underline *Mark _text_ as underlined350、extensions.irc.munger.word-hyphenator *Hyphenate words in ChatZilla!351、extensions.irc.newTabLimit * [有待测试]352、extensions.irc.newTabThreshold * [有待测试]353、extensions.irc.nickCompleteStr *Type these character(s) to autocomplete nickname354、extensions.irc.nickname *Default nickname used in ChatZilla!355、extensions.irc.notify.aggressive *Use aggressive notification for new IRC events356、extensions.irc.queryBeep *Beep pattern to use when query is received357、extensions.irc.raiseNewTab *Raise new tabs when they are created358、extensions.irc.reconnect *Automatically attempt to reconnect if connection is broken359、extensions.irc.stalkBeep *Beep pattern to use when stalk pattern is detected360、 extensions.irc.stalkWords *String pattern to 'stalk' for(sound alert & activate/flash ChatZilla! window when string isreceived via IRC)361、 *Set possible CSS stylesheets for displaying ChatZilla! window362、 *URI of default CSS stylesheet363、extensions.irc.username *Default username used in ChatZilla!364、extensions.irc.views *Set ChatZilla! parameters for each IRC view365、 * [有待测试]366、extensions.irc.views.chanuser * [有待测试]367、extensions.irc.views.client * [有待测试]368、extensions.irc.views.collapseMsgs * [有待测试]369、extensions.irc.views.copyMessages * [有待测试]370、 * [有待测试]371、extensions.venkman.lastErrorMode *Set action Venkman takes when an error is detected* ignore : Ignore Errors* trace : Trace Errors* break : Stop for Errors372、extensions.venkman.lastThrowMode *Set action Venkman takes when an exception is detected* ignore : Ignore Exceptions* trace : Trace Exceptions* break : Stop for Exceptions373、extensions.venkman.layoutState.default *URI of default layout state for Venkman374、extensions.venkman.prettyprint *Use pretty print when printing in Venkman375、extensions.venkman.sessionView.currentCSS *URI of current session view for Venkman376、extensions.venkman.startupCount * [有待测试]377、font.allow_double_byte_special_chars * [有待测试]378、font.antialias.min *Set minimum font size (in pt) at which to enable anti-aliasing.379、font.default Default Font type* serif : Serif* sans serif : Sans Serif380、 *Contains a list of directories tosearch for truetype fonts, create one subentry for each directory.381、font.embedded_bitmaps.max * [有待测试]382、font.FreeType2 *FreeType2 support preferences (Linux only)383、font.FreeType2.autohinted *Automatically hint FreeType characters384、font.FreeType2.enable *Enable FreeType fonts385、font.FreeType2.printing *Print using FreeType fonts386、font.FreeType2.shared-library *Path to FreeType2 fonts shared directory on your system387、font.FreeType2.unhinted *ender FreeType fonts as unhinted388、font.internaluseonly.changed *RESERVED: Do not modify389、 *Font Language Group (defined elsewhere)390、 *Default fonts to use (mainly for Japanese/Korean/Chinese fontsets)391、 *Default FOO font (mainly for Japanese/Korean/Chinese fontsets)392、 *Default Hebrew FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)393、 *Default Japanese FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)394、 *Default Korean FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)395、 *Default Devanagari (Hindu/Sanskrit) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)396、 *Default Tamil (Sri Lankan) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)397、 *Default Simplified Chinese (China) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)398、 *Default Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)399、 *Default FOO font400、 *Default Arabic FOO font401、 *Default Earth Language () FOO font402、 *Default Hebrew FOO font403、 *Default Japanese FOO font404、 *Default Korean FOO font405、 *Default Thai FOO font406、 *Default Turkish FOO font407、 *Default Baltic FOO font408、 *Default Central European FOO font409、 *Default Cyrillic FOO font410、 *Default Devanagari (Hindu/Sanskrit) FOO font411、 *Default Tamil (Sri Lankan) FOO font412、 *Default Unicode FOO font413、 *Default Western FOO font414、 *Default Simplified Chinese (China) FOO font415、 *Default Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) FOO font416、font.size.FOO *Default font sizes for FOO fonts417、 *Default FOO Arabic font size418、font.size.FOO.el *Default FOO Earth Language () font size419、font.size.FOO.he *Default FOO Hebrew font size420、font.size.FOO.ja *Default FOO Japanese font size421、font.size.FOO.ko *Default FOO Korean font size422、 *Default FOO Thai font size423、 *Default FOO Turkish font size424、font.size.FOO.x-baltic *Default FOO Baltic font size425、font.size.FOO.x-central-euro *Default FOO Central European font size426、font.size.FOO.x-cyrillic *Default FOO Cyrillic font size427、font.size.FOO.x-devanagari *Default FOO Devanagari (Hindu/Sanskrit) font size428、font.size.FOO.x-tamil *Default FOO Tamil (Sri Lankan) font size429、font.size.FOO.x-unicode *Default FOO Unicode font size430、font.size.FOO.x-western *Default FOO Western font size431、font.size.FOO.zh-CN *Default FOO Simplified Chinese (China) font size432、font.size.FOO.zh-TW *Default FOO Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) font size433、font.size.nav4rounding *Round font sizes (eg. convert 11.5pt to 12pt)434、font.size.variable *Default font sizes for varied-width fonts435、 *Name of current card game being played436、 *FOO difficulty level437、general.open_location * 网页打开位置设置438、general.open_location.last_url * 最后打开的网页439、general.open_location.last_window_choice *Last \"Open in...\" setting* 0 : Current Nav Window* 1 : New Nav Window* 2 : New Nav Tab* 3 : New Editor Window440、general.startup * Mozilla启动选项 Mozilla startup preferences (set appropriate child to 'true' if that application should start)441、general.useragent *用户代理(浏览器标识)选项442、general.useragent.contentlocale *Specifies which locale URI should retrieve content locale information443、general.useragent.locale *Specifies which locale URI should retrieve locale information444、general.useragent.misc *Mozilla version445、 *Mozilla security version446、general.useragent.override *User-specified user agent用户自定义 user agent447、image.animation_mode * 按如下方式显示Gif动画(将会覆盖动画图片的默认设置)* normal : As many times as the image specifies * 正常(按图片的默认设置次数)* once : Once * 循环一次* none : Never * 无动画(Gif将变成静态图片)448、imageblocker.enabled * 允许阻止图片449、images.dither * 按以下方式抖动显示的图片* auto : Automatic 自动* true : True 抖动* false : False 不抖动450、inspector.blink * DOM元素闪烁处理460、inspector.blink.border-color * 闪烁的边框颜色461、inspector.blink.border-width * 边框宽度462、inspector.blink.duration * 元素闪烁的时间(单位:毫秒)463、inspector.blink.invert * 闪烁时反转DOM元素颜色464、inspector.blink.on * 选中DOM元素时是否闪烁465、inspector.blink.speed * 闪烁速率(毫秒每帧)466、inspector.dom.showAnon * 显示匿名元素(例如:没有id的元素)467、inspector.dom.showWhitespaceNodes * 显示只包含空白的节点468、intl.accept_charsets *Character sets allowed in Mozilla469、intl.accept_languages *Specifies which locale URI determines languages allowed in Mozilla470、intl.charset.default * 默认字符集471、intl.charset.detector *Specifies which locale URI sets how character set are detected in Mozilla472、intl.charsetmenu.browser * 设置Mozilla浏览器中字符编码菜单的布局473、intl.charsetmenu.browser.cache * 缓存的字符集列表,用逗号格开474、intl.charsetmenu.browser.cache.size * 缓存的字符集个数475、intl.charsetmenu.browser.moreFOO * 在\"更多\"菜单中显示的字符集列表,用逗号格开476、intl.charsetmenu.browser.static * 始终显示的字符集列表477、intl.charsetmenu.composer *Set layout of Character Coding menu in Mozilla Composer478、intl.charsetmenu.composer.cache *Comma-separated list of cached character sets in Mozilla Composer479、intl.charsetmenu.mailedit *Set layout of Character Coding menu in Mozilla Mail/News (message editor)480、intl.charsetmenu.mailview *Set layout of Character Coding menu in Mozilla Mail/News (main view)481、intl.charsetmenu.mailview.cache *Comma-separated list of cached character sets in Mozilla Mail/News (main view)482、intl.collationOption * [有待测试]483、intl.content.langcode *Default content language code484、intl.fallbackCharsetList *Default character sets if requested sets are unavailable485、intl.fallbackCharsetList.FOO *Display listed character set if FOO is not available486、 * [有待测试]487、intl.locale.matchOS *Match locale to that of operating system488、intl.menuitems.alwaysappendacceskeys *Specifies URI to determine if access keys are appended to menu items489、j avascript.allow.mailnews * JavaScript可以在邮件和新闻组中执行490、j avascript.enabled * 是否允许JavaScript491、j avascript.options * 其他JavaScript设置492、j avascript.options.showInConsole * 是否在控制台显示JavaScript493、j avascript.options.strict * 报告严重的Javascript警告494、keyword.URL * 查找关键字使用的URL495、keyword.enabled * 使用Netscape关键字496、layout.frames.force_resizability * 能够强制改变帧(frame)的大小497、layout.word_select * 单词选定方式设置498、layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word * 双击单词时同时选定后面跟随的空格499、layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation * 双击单词时不选定后面的标点500、mail.SpellCheckBeforeSend * 在发送前进行拼写检查。501、mail.account.FOO * Settings for mail account FOO502、mail.account.FOO.identities * Identity for mail account FOO503、mail.account.FOO.server * server identity for mail account FOO504、mail.accountmanager * Metadata describing mail accounts that are set up505、mail.accountmanager.accounts * Comma-separated list of accounts506、mail.accountmanager.defaultaccount * 默认帐户。507、mail.accountmanager.localfoldersserver * ID of server that represents the Local Folders508、mail.addr_book.displayName * 地址簿中显示姓名的设置。509、mail.addr_book.displayName.autoGeneration * 根据名(Firstname)和姓(Lastname)字段自动生成一个显示的姓名。510、mail.addr_book.displayName.lastnamefirst * 生成一个显示的姓名,以“姓,名”的格式。(如果是false,则以“名,姓”的格式)。511、mail.addr_book.lastnamefirst * 设置姓名排列顺序。* 0 : Firstname Lastname * 名,姓* 1 : Lastname, Firstname * 姓,名512、mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format * [有待测试]513、mail.addr_book.quicksearchquery.format * [有待测试]514、mail.addr_book.show_phonetic_fields * Display fields for phonetic equivalents of Firstname and Lastname in Address Book515、mail.attach_vcard * 为所有的新消息自动附上一个vCard。516、mail.auth_login * [有待测试]517、mail.auto_quote * 在回复时自动引用原消息。518、mail.server * POP/NNTP邮件服务器设置。519、mail.server.FOO.auth_login *520、mail.toolbars.showbutton * 设置哪些邮件工具栏按钮可见。530、mail.toolbars.showbutton.FOO * Show button \"FOO\" in mail window531、 mailnews.reply_header_authorwrote * Text string used when anauthor string is required in reply header (%s will be replaced by yourname)532、mailnews.reply_header_colon * Text string used when colon is required in reply header533、mailnews.reply_header_locale * Text string used when locale is required in reply header534、 mailnews.reply_header_ondate * Text string used when a datestring is required in reply header (%s will be replaced by the date)535、mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage * Text string used to denote original message in reply header536、mailnews.reply_header_separator * Text string used to separate parts of the reply header537、 mailnews.reply_header_type * Format of reply header. Use otherreply_header preferences to customize this further, in particular'author_wrote' and 'ondate'.* 0 : No Header * 1 : (author)(colon) * 2 : (date)(separator)(author)(colon) * 3 : (author)(date)(colon) * 4 : User Specified538、mailnews.reply_on_top * How to reply to messages* 0 : Start reply above the quoted text* 1 : Start reply below the quoted text* 2 : Select the quoted text and start above* 3 : Select the quoted text and start below539、mailnews.reuse_message_window * Do message replies have their own window or reuse the existing window540、middlemouse.contentLoadURL * 允许用中键打开剪贴版中存储的网址(只适用于Linux)541、middlemouse.openNewWindow * 当中键点击一个超级链链时在新窗口中打开542、middlemouse.paste * 当中键按下时粘贴剪贴版中存储的文本543、middlemouse.scrollbarPosition * 当中键在滚动条上按下时快速滚动到按下的位置544、mousewheel.withaltkey * 当ALT键按下时鼠标滚轮如何工作545、mousewheel.withaltkey.action * Alt +滚轮,Action to take* 0 : Scroll document by X lines * 0 : 文档卷动X行* 1 : Scroll document by one page * 1 : 文档卷动一页* 2 : Move back/forward in history * 2 : 历史中前进或后退* 3 : Make text larger/smaller * 3 : 增大或缩小字体546、mousewheel.withaltkey.numlines * Alt+滚轮。相应的卷动行数(即mousewheel.withaltkey.action设为0时的X)547、 mousewheel.withaltkey.sysnumlines *Alt+滚轮,卷动的行数等于系统默认值(当该项为true时,mousewheel.withaltkey.action设为0时的X取系统默认值,mousewheel.withaltkey.numlines一项无效)548、mousewheel.withcontrolkey * 当CTRL按下时鼠标滚轮如何工作(下面都一样了...)549、mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action *Ctrl+滚轮 Action to take* 0 : Scroll document by X lines * 0 : 文档卷动X行* 1 : Scroll document by one page * 1 : 文档卷动一页* 2 : Move back/forward in history * 2 : 历史中前进或后退* 3 : Make text larger/smaller * 3 : 增大或缩小字体550、mousewheel.withcontrolkey.numlines * Number of lines to scroll by (if relevant)551、mousewheel.withcontrolkey.sysnumlines * Scroll by a number of lines equal to system default552、mousewheel.withnokey.action * 当没有键按下时鼠标滚轮如何工作* 0 : Scroll document by X lines * 0 : 文档卷动X行* 1 : Scroll document by one page * 1 : 文档卷动一页* 2 : Move back/forward in history * 2 : 历史中前进或后退* 3 : Make text larger/smaller * 3 : 增大或缩小字体553、mousewheel.withnokey.numlines *Number of lines to scroll by (if relevant)554、mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines *Scroll by a number of lines equal to system default555、mousewheel.withshiftkey.action * 当SHIFT键按下时鼠标滚轮如何工作* 0 : Scroll document by X lines * 0 : 文档卷动X行* 1 : Scroll document by one page * 1 : 文档卷动一页* 2 : Move back/forward in history * 2 : 历史中前进或后退* 3 : Make text larger/smaller * 3 : 增大或缩小字体556、mousewheel.withshiftkey.numlines * Number of lines to scroll by (if relevant)557、mousewheel.withshiftkey.sysnumlines * Scroll by a number of lines equal to system default558、msgcompose.background_color * 编辑消息时的默认背景色559、msgcompose.font_face * 编辑消息时使用的默认字体字样(只适用于HTML)560、msgcompose.font_size * 编辑消息时使用的默认字体大小(只适用于HTML)561、msgcompose.text_color * 编辑消息时使用的默认文字颜色(只适用于HTML)562、network.autodial-helper.enabled * 在没有可用连接时自动拨号563、network.cookie.cookieBehavior * 设置允许存放那种cookie在本地计算机中* 0 : Enable all cookies * 0 : 启用所有cookie* 1 : Allow cookies from originating server only * 1 : 只允许原始站点的所有cookie* 2 : Disable all cookies * 2 : 禁用所有cookie564、network.cookie.disableCookieForMailNews * 在邮件和新闻组中禁用cookie565、network.cookie.lifetime * cookie生命期设置566、 network.cookie.lifetime.behavior *(只有在network.cookie.lifetime.enabled值为true时才能应用)决定cookie过期的时间。如果为1,则日期由network.cookie.lifetime.days决定。* 0 : Cookies expire at end of current session * 0:cookie在当前会话结束后过期* 1 : Cookies expire after X days * 1:cookie在X天后过期567、network.cookie.lifetime.days * cookie在x天后过期568、network.cookie.lifetime.enabled * 让cookie自动决定过期569、network.cookie.p3p * 考虑服务器响应报头的p3p域来决定隐私策略,然后相应的处理cookie。* 'f' 'flag'标记, 'd' ‘downgrade to session’(?),‘a’ ‘accept’接受, ‘r’ ‘reject’拒绝* 1、3、5、7位的字母适合于第一方,而那些偶数位的适用于第三方。* 这四个位置是:无策略、未经许可收集个人信息、只在许可下搜集个人信息和不搜集个人信息570、network.cookie.p3plevel * cookie过滤的安全级别* 0 : Low 低 * 1 : Medium : 中 * 2 : High : 高 * 3 : Custom : 自定义571、network.cookie.warnAboutCookies * 在保存任何cookie前询问用户572、network.dir * [有待测试]573、network.dir.format * Set output format for any directory listing. (Do not set this value to 0!)* 1 : Raw * 2 : HTML * 3 : HTTP Index574、network.enableIDN * Enable Internationalized Domain Names开启国际化域名解析575、network.enablePad * Enable automatic proxy configuration576、network.ftp.anonymous_password * Set FTP anonymous password设置ftp密码577、network.ftp.idleConnectionTimeout * FTP Idle Connection Timeout (in seconds)578、network.hosts.nntp_server * Proxy News server新闻服务器579、network.hosts.pop_server * Proxy POP server (default: mail)POP邮箱服务器580、network.hosts.smtp_server * Proxy SMTP server (default: mail) Smtp服务器581、network.hosts.socks_conf * SOCKS Proxy configuration582、network.hosts.socks_server * Specify a SOCKS server socks服务器583、network.hosts.socks_serverport * Port for SOCKS server above (default: 1080)SOCKS服务器端口584、network.http.accept-encoding * Comma-separated list of compressed encodings to accept from server585、network.http.accept * Which HTTP formats are accepted from servers586、network.http.accept.default * Default set of comma-separated list of HTTP formats to accept from servers587、network.http.connect.timeout * How long to wait before timeout in HTTP (in seconds)超时时限〔秒〕588、network.http.default-socket-type * Default socket type (apparently unused)589、network.http.keep-alive * Settings regarding keep-alive HTTP connections590、network.http.keep-alive.timeout * Keep-alive timeout591、network.http.max-connections * 设置浏览器发送的请求数,数字越大,浏览器向服务器发送的请求越多,大多数时候表示浏览速度更快,推荐值: 30-40592、network.http.max-connections-per-server * Maximum connections to a single server593、network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy * Maximum persistent connections per proxy594、 network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server * Maximumpersistent connections per server (normally only relevant for largefile downloads)595、network.http.pipelining * Use HTTP Pipelining options 为加快浏览速度可设置为true596、 network.http.pipelining.firstrequest * Always pipeline thefirst (SYN) request(If servers do not support pipelining, this maybreak sites)597、network.http.pipelining.maxrequests * Maximum number of pipelining requests598、network.proxy.autoconfig_url * 自动获取代理网址599、network.proxy.ftp * FTP proxy server name FTP代理名称600、network.proxy.ftp_port * FTP proxy server port FTP代理端口601、network.proxy.gopher * Gopher proxy server name602、network.proxy.gopher_port * Gopher proxy server port603、network.proxy.http * HTTP Proxy server name604、network.proxy.http_port * HTTP Proxy server port605、 * News Proxy server name606、network.proxy.news_port * News Proxy server port607、network.proxy.no_proxies_on * Comma-separated list of site or IP ranges where proxy server should be bypassed608、network.proxy.socks * SOCKS server port609、network.proxy.socks_version * Socks version (default: 5)610、network.proxy.ssl * HTTPS Proxy server name611、network.proxy.ssl_port * HTTPS proxy server port612、network.proxy.type * Proxy type* 0 : Unused/Unset 不设置 * 1 : Manual 手动 * 2 : Automatic 自动 * 3 : None 无613、network.proxy.wais DomainWAIS proxy server name614、network.proxy.wais_port DomainWAIS proxy server port615、network.http.proxy.keep-alive DomainEnable keep-alive in proxy connection616、network.http.proxy.pipelining DomainEnable pipelining in proxy617、network.http.proxy.ssl DomainIf proxy uses SSSL618、network.http.proxy.version DomainHTTP version (1.0 or 1.1) to use for proxy* 1.0 : HTTP 1.0 * 1.1 : HTTP 1.1619、network.http.redirection-limit DomainMax number of redirections in a row620、network.http.request.max-start-delay * 连接时浏览器响应的延迟时间,推荐值:0,表示完全不延迟,直接执行响应(地址栏输入地址回车,点击任何连接等等)621、network.http.request.timeout * Request timeout超时时限622、network.http.sendRefererHeader * Handling of HTTP Referer Headers* 0 : Do not send referer header * 1 : Send partial header * 2 : Send all of header623、network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer * [有待测试]624、network.http.use-cache * Enable caching of HTTP documents625、network.http.version * HTTP version (1.0/1.1) to use* 1.0 : HTTP 1.0 * 1.1 : HTTP 1.1626、network.image.imageBehavior * Behavior when handling retrieval of images* 0 : Accept all images * 1 : Originating server only * 2 : No images627、network.image.warnAboutImages * Warn when receiving images受到image时报警628、 * Is user currently online629、network.prefetch-next * Enable pre-fetching of documents (those specified by in HTML documents)630、network.protocol-handler * Protocol handling options631、network.protocol-handler.external * Set which external protocol handling programs Mozilla will open632、network.protocols * Protocol settings633、network.protocols.useSystemDefaults * Use system defaults for protocols634、 * URL to send search text in location field635、network.standard-url * Standard URL settings636、news.cancel.alert_on_success * Alert if cancelled successfully637、news.cancel.confirm * Confirm the cancel638、news.cc_self * Carbon-copy to own account639、news.default_cc * Default CC address640、news.default_fcc * Default FCC address641、 * [有待测试]642、news.fcc_folder * Folder location of FCC (file carbon copy)643、news.mark_old_read * Automatically mark old articles as read644、news.max_articles * Max articles to download645、news.notify * Notification settings646、news.notify.on * News notification on647、news.persist_server_open_state_in_folderpane * Persist open state on restart (see Bug #103010)648、news.use_fcc * Use FCC649、news.wrap_long_lines * Use word wrap650、nglayout.debug.crossing_event_dumping * The default value is false.651、nglayout.debug.enable_xbl_formsEnable * XBL Forms652、nglayout.debug.event_dumping * Dump event information * The default value is false.653、nglayout.debug.invalidate_dumping * The default value is false.654、nglayout.debug.motion_event_dumping * Dump event information * The default value is false.655、 nglayout.debug.paint_dumping * This preference can beoverridden at run-time by turning on the CAPS lock key. The defaultvalue is false.656、nglayout.debug.paint_flashing * The default value is false.657、 * NGLayout events Preferences658、 * Dispatch left click only to content in browser659、 * Relates to CSS2660、nglayout.widget.gfxscrollbars * Force system-style scrollbars661、nglayout.widget.mode * NGLayout widget mode* 1 : Native * 2 : GFX-based662、plugin.allow_alien_star_handler * 允许插件覆盖使用通配符“*”的设置663、plugin.display_plugin_downloader_dialog * 如果没有为“*”文件类型注册的插件(如:没有默认插件),显示获取插件的对话框664、plugin.do_JRE_Plugin_Scan * 在安装位置搜索JRE1.3.x(默认为false)[NB:如果JRE版本为1.4或更高,请不要使用这个选项]665、plugin.dont_try_safe_call * 关闭插件的异常处理(主要是为插件开发者提供的调试工具)666、plugin.expose_full_path * 允许在about:plugins中显示插件安装的完整路径667、plugin.override_internal_types * 允许插件覆盖平时由浏览器处理的MIME类型设置668、plugin.scan * 扫描的关于插件版本的信息669、plugin.skip_real_player_hack * 跳过在组建目录中搜索RealPlayer插件(Netscape行为)670、prefs.converted-to-utf8 * 首选项转换成UTF-8编码格式671、print.always_cache_old_pres * [有待测试]672、plugin.enable_double_buffer * Enable double buffering on pages when there are plugins in layout [Default: false]673、print.print_edge_bottom * Bottom margin width (in mm)打印底端边界674、print.print_edge_left * Left margin width (in mm)左675、print.print_edge_top * Top margin width (in mm)顶676、print.print_edge_right * Right margin width (in mm)右677、print.print_evenpages * Print even pages only The default value is false.678、print.print_extra_margin * Extra margin width (in mm)679、 print.print_footercenter * Centered footer text. This may useup to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total680、 print.print_footerleft * Left-aligned footer text. This mayuse up to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total681、 print.print_footerright * Right-aligned footer text. This mayuse up to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total682、 print.print_headercenter * Centered header text. This may useup to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total683、 print.printheaderleft * Left-aligned header text. This may useup to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total684、 print.printheaderight * Right-aligned header text. This mayuse up to ONE of the special string constants &T, &U, &D,&P or &PT (see drop-down box).* &T : Title * &U : Document URL * &D : Date/Time * &P : Page Number * &PT : Page Number \"of\" Page Total685、 print.print_margin_bottom * Specify bottom margin in half-inchunits (e.g. 2 units = 1\"). If the value is not specified, the systemdefault is used. This option has no default value.686、 print.print_margin_left * Specify left margin in half-inchunits (e.g. 2 units = 1\"). If the value is not specified, the systemdefault is used. This option has no default value.687、 print.print_margin_right * Specify right margin in half-inchunits (e.g. 2 units = 1\"). If the value is not specified, the systemdefault is used. This option has no default value.688、 print.print_margin_top * Specify top margin in half-inch units(e.g. 2 units = 1\"). If the value is not specified, the system defaultis used. This option has no default value.689、print.print_oddpages * Print odd pages only The default value is false.690、print.save_print_settings * Save print settings691、print.show_print_progress * Show print progress dialog box692、print.use_global_printsettings * Each window maintains individual print settings693、print.use_native_print_dialog * Use operating system-native Print dialog box694、print.whileInPrintPreview * Allow printing directly from Print Preview screen695、profile.confirm_automigration * 在新建配置时提示从IE或其他浏览器导入书签696、profile.seconds_until_defunct * 一个用户配置经多少秒不用,会被认为是无用的并从配置列表删除697、security.OCSP * 在线身份认证(OCSP)选项698、security.OCSP.enabled * Enable OCSP 应用OCSP来自