7 user.moduleuser_role_permissions($roles = array())
8 user.moduleuser_role_permissions(array $roles)

Determine the permissions for one or more roles.


$roles: An array whose keys are the role IDs of interest, such as $user->roles.

Return value

If $roles is a non-empty array, an array indexed by role ID is returned. Each value is an array whose keys are the permission strings for the given role ID. If $roles is empty nothing is returned.

2 calls to user_role_permissions()
5 string references to 'user_role_permissions'



modules/user/user.module, line 749
Enables the user registration and login system.



function user_role_permissions($roles = array()) {
  $cache = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  $role_permissions = $fetch = array();

  if ($roles) {
    foreach ($roles as $rid => $name) {
      if (isset($cache [$rid])) {
        $role_permissions [$rid] = $cache [$rid];
      else {
        // Add this rid to the list of those needing to be fetched.
        $fetch [] = $rid;
        // Prepare in case no permissions are returned.
        $cache [$rid] = array();

    if ($fetch) {
      // Get from the database permissions that were not in the static variable.
      // Only role IDs with at least one permission assigned will return rows.
      $result = db_query("SELECT rid, permission FROM {role_permission} WHERE rid IN (:fetch)", array(':fetch' => $fetch));

      foreach ($result as $row) {
        $cache [$row->rid][$row->permission] = TRUE;
      foreach ($fetch as $rid) {
        // For every rid, we know we at least assigned an empty array.
        $role_permissions [$rid] = $cache [$rid];

  return $role_permissions;


Note that the $roles parameter is NOT CLEARLY DESCRIBED. What is wanted is an array of role names INDEXED by the role ID, NOT an array of role IDs. You can check the following in the Devel "Run PHP" box.

$roles = array(3 => 'administrator');
$permissions= user_role_permissions($roles);

Just so the RID is not hardcoded

    $admin_role = user_role_load_by_name('administrator');
    $roles = array($admin_role->rid => $admin_role->name);