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flowplayer 触发事件 自己亲自做的 有大用

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$( ".ninghao-player" ).flowplayer().on("pause",function(e,api){



eventwhen it fires
beforeseekBefore seeking starts at the origin position. The 3rd argument gives access to the seek target position. By calling event.preventDefault() (where event is the callback's 1st argument) the seek can be stopped.
disableWhen the player toggles between disabled and normal state. In disabled mode the UI elements cannot be used.
errorWhen an error occurred. The 3rd argument provides an object featuring thecode and message properties. See the error table below.
finishWhen playback has finished.
fullscreenWhen the player goes to fullscreen mode.
fullscreen-exitWhen player exits fullscreen mode.
loadFirst event in the lifecycle of the (first) clip, before the configured clip or a new video starts playing. Offers an opportunity to alter the video properties. The 3rd argument provides the video object featuring basic data like src, but not yet the video metadata from the server (such as duration). Returning false will prevent the video from loading.
muteWhen the player's mute state is toggled.
pauseWhen playback is paused.
progressWhen the playhead moves forward. Happens approximately every 250 milliseconds during playback. The 3rd argument provides the current playback position, i.e. the current value of the time property of the video object.
readyWhen the video is fully loaded and video metadata (such as duration) becomes available from the video object which is provided by the 3rd argument.
resumeWhen playback is resumed.
seekWhen seeking is completed at the target position. The 3rd argument gives access to the target position.
shutdownWhen the player and API instance is destroyed, after the shutdown() methodhas been invoked. Last event in a player's life cycle.
speedWhen the playback speed is changed. The new level is provided by the 3rd argument.
stopWhen playback is stopped by the stop() method.
unloadWhen the player goes back to the splash state.
volumeWhen the volume level is changed. The new level is provided by the 3rd argument.
