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我在网上做社交网络/社区网站...基本上类似于MySpace的过程....我最近从共享主机到VPS,(原因很明显)移动。这是Debian Etch3盒128 MB RAM破裂的为256 MB .....这就是现在,我会得到额外的256 MB的RAM下个月。我设置Apache / 2.2.3 PHP / 4,Mysql5的,e​​Accelerator在0.9.5



FrontPage是大部分地段板,其中一些显示缓存块,他们中的一些随机显示SQL结果。为什么查询在0.7秒执行,并且页面执行时间为2秒??? 这无疑已成为一些与Apache的配置或PHP配置。

对于eAccelerator在我设置为SHM 32M。












dawehner’s picture









... PHP执行开销。你肯定eAccelerator在正常工作?


dawehner’s picture


这极有可能是php开销.... eAccelerator在工作正常..我试图把它关闭,我得到了更高的网页执行时间。

有点奇怪。当你点击一个链接到加载一些页面,这使得1〜2秒钟的停顿,然后继续加载的页面。看到它自己:http://tranceplanet.org/ 并尝试点击一些链接。





我去你的网站,它加载相当快的我。由于繁忙的头版,我很惊讶,这不是需要更长的时间 - 特别是查询。


dawehner’s picture


80查询在700毫秒仍然很高。下面是我得到在Xen VPS(512MB虽然,但这不应该的问题):








- 你有没有打开插座到其他网站的模块?




dawehner’s picture


- 是的,我刚查了,我是在OpenVZ的同时....他们补充更多的RAM我的VPS,所以它现在是512 MB。

- 我想APC一个小时前,但似乎它的性能比eAccelerator在差,所以我放回eAccelerator在。

- 我中运行D 5.1

- 我不知道是什么流浪模块?


- 我没有打开插座到其他网站的任何模块。

- 我会跟踪模块等明天的东西,玩althought我不会满足,直到我做到有较低的网页执行时间。


dawehner’s picture





dawehner’s picture


APC与eAccelerator在:我发现eAccelerator在比快APC 13%,还可以节省每Apache进程比APC更多的内存。但是,这是一个边点。



剖析:对于试图找出问题的所在,需要一个分析器。Xdebug的有一个分析器,但你必须使用的valgrind / cachegrind可视化的结果。

最初,我怀疑你有一个是吃了一次糟糕的模块。但我认为这是OpenVZ的是罪魁祸首这里。内存也帮助不大。尝试的Xen VPS主机。如果你没有一个访问,与我联系,私下里,如果你愿意给我一个数据库转储和tar.gz的网站,我可以尝试为你在Xen盒子,给你的数字。



dawehner’s picture









dawehner’s picture




“drush statusmodules”会告诉你哪些模块有它们启用/禁用


Page execution time much higher than query execution time. But why?


I am in the process of making online social network/community website... Basically similar to myspace.... I recently moved from shared hosting to VPS (obvious reasons). It is a Debian Etch3 box with 128 Mb RAM burstable to 256 mb..... That's for now, I will get additional 256 MB of RAM next month. I set up Apache/2.2.3 PHP/4, Mysql5, eAccelerator 0.9.5

What I am concerned mostly now is page execution time. First I thought mysql was slow, but now I am not sure.... For example, for the front page, I get:

Executed 80 queries in 774.35 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 2060.83 ms.

Frontpage is mostly lots of panels, some of them display cached blocks, some of them display random SQL result. Why are queries executed in 0.7 seconds, and page execution time is 2 seconds ??? That surely has to be something with Apache configuration or php configuration.

in php.ini I set up memory_limit to 64M.
for eAccelerator I set up shm to 32M.

I really want to find out why is there such a big difference between query execution time and page execution time.... Page execution time should be a litlle bit higher than query execution time, right?

So, if you have any pointers for me where to look for solution, I would be more than thankful to you.

Thanks in advance




The first thing I'd check is whether or not php is actually getting 64M (which is a bit high, but okay). Many host companies are using a php that is compiled without the ability to override the memory_limit. As a matter of fact, my host completely ignores both my php.ini and settings.php (at least the settings like memory and execution time).

Also, in a case of shameless self-promotion, I suggest the Site documentation module to look for possible little problems.

Nancy W.
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)
Adding Hidden Design or How To notes in your database

dawehner’s picture

Well, phpinfo() says that memory_limit IS 64M, just as I set it up. Did you mean to check it that way or some other way?

btw I just noticed I have plenty of php modules enabled as well... like: bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, dba, dbx etc... Don't know if I need all that, and if disabling some of them will reduce page execution time.

One other thing I read about on other thread is to try and put .htaccess file inside apache2.conf , so all the rules are loaded ONCE when the web server is started, and not on every page load. Will try that for sure.

Any other suggestions more than welcomed.



... php execution overhead. Are you sure eAccelerator is working properly?

You might try turning it on/off, or switching to apc, and see if there's a significant difference.

dawehner’s picture

it most probably is php overhead.... eAccelerator is working fine.. I tried turning it off, and I got even higher page execution times.

It's weird. When you click a link to load some page, it makes a pause of 1 or 2 seconds, and then it continues to load a page. See it for yourself:http://tranceplanet.org/ and try clicking on some links.

phpinfo is at http://tranceplanet.org/info.php

btw I lowered memory_limit in php to 32M


I went to your site and it loaded fairly fast for me. As busy as the front page is, I'm surprised it's not taking longer - especially the queries.

Nancy W.
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)
Adding Hidden Design or How To notes in your database

dawehner’s picture

80 queries in 700 ms is still high. Here is what I get on a Xen VPS (512MB though, but that should not matter):

Executed 269 queries in 92.61 milliseconds. Page execution time was 349.69 ms.

You seem to be on Virtuozzo (or OpenVZ), and its performance is known not to be good. I have moved clients who suffered under Virtuozzo to Xen or dedicated and they have been happier. I even shut external traffic and did a measurement to prove to the client that it is Virtuozzo and not hits from visitors that is causing the slowdown.

I bet this is the problem, but here are other suggestions.

I have seen similar things before, where PHP times is much more than query time, and it is almost always due to a stray module.

On 4.6, it used to be when you had a lot of aliases (thousands), and Drupal was trying to load them all in an associative array.

However, you seem to be running 4.7, so that would not be the issue.

Other things to look at:

- Do you have any module that opens sockets to other sites?

- Try installing the trace module and see where time is spend.
Drupal development and customization: 2bits.com
Personal: Baheyeldin.com

Drupal performance tuning and optimization, hosting, development, and consulting: 2bits.com, Inc. and Twitter at: @2bits
Personal blog: Ba

dawehner’s picture

- Yes, I just checked, I am on Openvz.... meanwhile they added more ram to my VPS, so it's 512 mb now.

- I tried APC an hour ago, but it seems that its performance is worse than eAccelerator, so I put back eAccelerator.

- I am running D 5.1

- I am not sure what stray module is?

- Yes, I do have lots of URL aliases (I think I applied patch for that from here:http://drupal.org/node/100301 )

- I don't have any modules that open sockets to other sites.

- I'll play with trace module and other stuff tomorrow, althought I won't be satisfied till I accomplish to have lower page execution times.


dawehner’s picture

Are there any other alternatives for trace module in D 5.1 ? How can I see where is most of the page execution time spent? Maybe to try Xdebug and debug my php scripts?

or maybe a lot of URL aliases is slowing the site down? I could have a site without all those fancy URL aliases if I knew page execution time would be higher.

I might turning off some modules as well and see how it goes with page load time.

dawehner’s picture

APC vs. eAccelerator: I have found that eAccelerator is 13% faster than APC, and also saves more memory per Apache process than APC. But that is a side point.

Aliases patch: Try the base 5.1 code, without any aliases patch. See if makes any difference. I would say the 5.1 code is OK.

An easy way to test if aliases are the problem is to disable the path.module and see if there is a difference in devel page execution times.

Profiling: For trying to pinpoint where the problem is, a profiler is needed. Xdebug has a profiler, but you have to use valgrind/cachegrind to visualize the results.

Initially I was suspecting that you have a bad module that is eating up time. But I think it is OpenVZ that is the culprit here. Memory would not help much. Try a Xen VPS host. If you don't have access to one, contact me privately if you are willing to send me a db dump and tar.gz of your site, and I can try it for you on a Xen box and give you the numbers.
Drupal development and customization: 2bits.com
Personal: Baheyeldin.com

Drupal performance tuning and optimization, hosting, development, and consulting: 2bits.com, Inc. and Twitter at: @2bits
Personal blog: Ba

dawehner’s picture

Home page
Executed 61 queries in 25.36 milliseconds. Page execution time was 285.24 ms.

Executed 37 queries in 10.13 milliseconds. Page execution time was 586.14 ms.

Executed 115 queries in 50.86 milliseconds. Page execution time was 340.5 ms.

Executed 117 queries in 48.07 milliseconds. Page execution time was 367.32 ms.

Conclusion: Xen is better than OpenVZ.
Drupal development and customization: 2bits.com
Personal: Baheyeldin.com

Drupal performance tuning and optimization, hosting, development, and consulting:2bits.com, Inc. and Twitter at: @2bits
Personal blog: Ba

dawehner’s picture

My suggestion would be to disable and test, one by one, each contributed module running on your site. There may be some rogue process that is causing the long page execution times, and narrowing it down to a particular module may make troubleshooting far easier.

The module enabling/disabling part is easily done using drush. From the secure shell:

"drush statusmodules" will tell you about which modules are there are which are enabled/disabled
"drush enable" will enable modules,
"drush disable" will disable modules.

Take a backup before you do this.

来自 https://www.drupal.org/node/154864
