We run in a SVN push environment so we only clear the apc file cache with a script.
APC settings:
apc.num_files_hint = 2048
apc.stat_ctime = 0
apc.file_update_protection = 2
apc.stat = 0
PHP Script:
$return = apc_clear_cache('opcode');
echo var_export($return);
604800 = 1 week.
After this, getting xdebug/xhprof up and running and doing a cache grind of the site should let you know what's slowing down the site. In short analyzing the cache grind output is the best way to speed up Drupal. Below I'm listing what patches and modules we use to speed it up; in your case it will be different most likely.
Drupal 6 Specific Answer Below
Once you get past this point and realize the APC isn't going to give you what your looking for, switch to pressflow and give these patches a whirl:
- Core - Cache module_implements()
- Imagecache - use lock.inc instead of a file lock
- Views - views_get_default_view() - race conditions and memory usage
- Views - Persistent caching for unpack_options() calls from building displays
Also try some of these modules as they improved our sites speed in a big way: