欢迎各位兄弟 发布技术文章


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shiping1 的头像
  1. D:\wamp\www\laravel5>php artisan tinker
  2. Psy Shell v0.4.1 (PHP 5.5.12 ΓÇö cli) by Justin Hileman
  3. >>> $article = App\Article::first();
  4. => <App\Article #000000000fac5aa70000000016f5b020> {
  5. id: 1,
  6. user_id: 1,
  7. title: "This is the first article",
  8. body: "This is the first article content.",
  9. created_at: "2015-07-25 21:18:08",
  10. updated_at: "2015-07-25 21:18:08",
  11. published_at: "2015-07-25 00:00:00",
  12. excerpt: null
  13. }
  14. >>> $article->tags()->attach(1);//attach 这个方法 就保存了 返回null
  15. => null
  16. 关联保存后 返回值为 null