// you want copy dummy file or send dummy file
// it is possible to send a file larger than 4GB and write without FSEEK used is limited by PHP_INT_MAX. it works on a system 32-bit or 64-bit
// fwrite and fread non pas de limite de position du pointeur
$gfz = filesize_dir("d:\\starwars.mkv");
echo 'Z:',$gfz,PHP_EOL;
$fz = fopen('d:\\test2.mkv', 'wb');
$fp = fopen('d:\\starwars.mkv', 'rb');
echo PHP_EOL;
$a = (float) 0;
while(($l=fread($fp, 65536))) {
fwrite($fz, $l);
if(($a+=65536)%5) echo "\r", '>', $a, ' : ' , $gfz;
function filesize_dir($file) {
exec('dir ' . $file, $inf);
$size_raw = $inf[6];
$size_exp = explode(" ",$size_raw);
$size_ext = $size_exp[19];
$size_int = (float) str_replace(chr(255), '', $size_ext);
return $size_int;