Screenshot of the Project Management menu

Drupal PM is a suite of Project Management and Work Tracking tools.

The suite contains several components, structured as separate Drupal modules:

  • Organizations
  • Teams
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • Tickets
  • Timetrackings
  • Notes
  • Expenses

A specialist PM Permissions component provides granular ways of controlling which records are visible or editable for given Drupal users. Furthermore, Drupal PM is compatible with the Field Permissions module, allowing even greater flexibility.

Each component is structured in a manner that allows easy integration with other Drupal modules. For example, Drupal PM uses Field API for storing data and Views for displaying lists of data.

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Drupal 7Drupal 8

NB: This is a full list of dependencies required by Drupal PM modules. Depending on which components you require, you will need to install only some of these modules.

Project Information
