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drupal views link 查看链接 在新窗口中打开

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this requires a separate declaration of link path

If you are talking about node title it doesn't require a declaration of link path. Just leave this field empty and link will be made with default link path (e.g. node/NID).

For other fields you need to override link path. The easiest way is to add nid field and exclude it from display. Then you can use node/[nid] as link path. In this case you need not use link formatter in field settings.

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this requires a separate declaration of link path

If you are talking about node title it doesn't require a declaration of link path. Just leave this field empty and link will be made with default link path (e.g. node/NID).

For other fields you need to override link path. The easiest way is to add nid field and exclude it from display. Then you can use node/[nid] as link path. In this case you need not use link formatter in field settings.
