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Node Reference (引用别人) (节点引用) 和 Node Referrer (被引用) (节点被指向)区别

 Node Reference 和   Node Referrer  区别

当一个节点中  有了 
Node Reference  
那么被 引用的节点中 通过 Node Referrer就有了 引有的对象 


使用 NodeReferrer 自动生成被引用的内容列表 # 《 Drupal 6 基础(下) 》一课中介绍了如果内容类型“电影”的“演员”字段使用node reference 引用了内容类型“人物”,那么人物中可以使用 NodeReferrer 自动生成被引用“电影”的内容列表。
我想问如果我使用的是Entity reference模块而不是node reference ,有对应的模块可以实现这个功能吗?

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    一样的,如果你用 Entity Reference ,使用 Views 模块同样可以生成相关内容的列表。




        来自  http://talk.ninghao.net/t/node-referrer/4541

        Thank you for this thread, I was getting really confused between the 3 modules which allow to make backreferences. I tried them thoroughly, and here is what I got from various tests and this thread, from my non-developper point of view:

        Node Relationships : Makes it ultra simple by providing the 3 preset displays of backreferences (Tab, Page, Field). Is mostly adequate for the basic need of having backreferences displayed on a node. Also helps keep track of references through nice diagrams.

        Content Reverse Reference : allows to really create complex views with multiple reverse references, provides crazy flexibility such as reverse relationships on arguments, nested reverse relationships,...

        Nodereferrer : The major difference has been pointed out very nicely by markus_petrux :"a user will see a Node Reference field in both sides of the relation when editing, for example, and this might be good or not, depending on the use case, and the cardinality of the average relations (there may be node reference fields with hundreds of multiple values, pretty hard to edit)." This is so important in the process of choosing one or the other solution. It has the problem of duplicate fields, and it does not provide as much flexibility as Content Reverse Reference (At least, I've not been able to replicate all the complex views).

        I still have a question: regarding a basic backreference view that can be done with both Node Relationships and Content Reverse Reference: which module provides the best performance?

        PS1: Maybe this summary is a bit useless and incomplete, but it's what I would have love to read when I first went into this reverse relationships things!
        PS2: Suscribing for user relationships too! But there is already a dedicated thread here : http://drupal.org/node/1139116

        来自 https://www.drupal.org/node/798786
