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Powerful module which allow you to do specified actions on the server on JavaScript events on specified fields.
- Real-time price calculation based on referenced node values when form values has been changed
- Send e-mail to the user, even if he didn't submit registration form yet (i.e. with the question: why he cancel it)
- Block user IP, if they start typing something rude
- Get what user typed into field without submit
- Redirect user to different page depends what he selected and typed
See example usage:
1. Install module.
2. Select events which you want to activate on specified field settings (CCK required).
3. Add new action (i.e. JavaScript Code)
4. Assign this action to specified trigger provided by AJAX Trigger.
Have fun.
- CCK module
You controlling which action you want to execute and when by configuring it.
After activating the module, it's doing nothing, because no action were assigned.
So the only person who should care about security is you.