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How install ffmpeg on wamp server (windows 7 - x64) 有大用 有大大用

1、需要给予ffmpeg PHP用户的执行权限 lamp 是apache用户  windows 是IIS_IUSRS 
2、转码目录的定入权限 同样是PHP用户  
3、安装VC++ 包,这是ffmpeg要用到的
4、至于php-ffmpeg 扩展,个人感觉很鸡肋,就是能获取视频信息和搞个截图。而且安装时还要下载php-ts模式,再就是php-ffmpeg版本相对应 ,很麻烦,试了很多次才成功
5、最后 说一下 安装ffmpeg 一定带上 libx264 免得在电脑上有声音无图像

install ffmpeg on wamp server (windows 7 - x64)


Please take a look at all these depricated links :

i installed wamp server on my windows 7 (x64) machine and want to install ffmpeg on it.

here is my wamp server version :


here is the official web site of ffmpeg :

i am really confused where can i download ffmpeg extension for php5.5.12 and how install it?
in their official web site there is only one link for download :

and those downloaded files need perl to run and there is no dll files inside them.
would be really appreciate to help me step by step to install ffmpeg in my wamp server.

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here is some download links with no dll file to install : ffmpeg.org/download.html | ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds |github.com/CodeScaleInc/ffmpeg-php – MoonLight Apr 15 '15 at 8:50
If you must run Windows, consider running FFMpeg in a virtual machine on the server, e.g. using Vagrant. – halfer Apr 15 '15 at 10:07

1 Answer 正确答案

The original ffmpeg-php extension was released for Linux. There were some Windows builds at some point but the project is now deprecated and you'll have a hard time finding one. Besides, you'll be stuck with outdated libs.

Take a look at some of the new object-oriented FFmpeg wrappers like PHP-FFmpeg. It only needs the FFmpeg executables and you can use the Zeranoe Windows builds to install them easily.

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thanks for the answer, but would you please explain more how can i install from this link :ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds – MoonLight Apr 15 '15 at 9:10
You download the static build and extract it somewhere on your system. The executables are in the binfolder. You can then either the bin folder to the system PATH or specify the full path to them when you load the PHP-FFmpeg class. – aergistal Apr 15 '15 at 9:56
thanks man, i also found this link : wikihow.com/Install-FFmpeg-on-Windows – MoonLight Apr 15 '15 at 10:09
Related link : How install using with Composer -> dev-metal.com/composer-tutorial – MoonLight Apr 15 '15 at 11:12

来自 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29644705/how-install-ffmpeg-on-wamp-server-windows-7-x64
