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brackets php extensions 扩展 有大用

Go to Definition 1.0.5
by Sachin Pachari on 2017-01-10 
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Ctrl+click or(use context-menu) to jump to method declaration 
Keywords: function method declaration definition goto click navigate

brackets extension jump to function 跳转到函数方法定义处
好像对 php 不行 对 js 有用

See https://github.com/aonic/brackets-QuickOpenPHP  好像不行
PHP Syntax Hint1.1.6208242
PHP Syntax Hint is a plugin for Brackets, which will help you alot in writing php SYNTAX, MYSQL Queries as this will auto suggest Syntax while coding, within Brackets software. The best part of it is that if you want to write some words again and again, just go to Help > Show Extensions Folder. Once folder opens up, open folder user > brackets-php-syntax-hint. There you will get php-syntax.txt, open that file and go on adding syntax and words you require and reload Brackets to enjoy writing codes(words you have added). They will appear in the dropdown as HINT, press ENTER and it's done.
PHP SmartHints1.2.2113588
Provides code hints for PHP files including PHP keywords, built-in functions, constants and variables. Also provides hinting for variables in the current open PHP document. Note that this is a continuation of the former [PHP-SIG] Brackets-PHP-SmartHints and not a new extension or fork. The Brackets Registry flags it as a new extension if you change the name (makes sense).
Inline short documentation for PHP functions, including a summary, syntax, return values and parameters.
Analyze and lint PHP using several code analysis tools. Please note that this extension needs PHP to be installed on your machine to work properly.
PHP Debugger0.0.433605
Enables full PHP Debugging using xdebug in Brackets.
`php -l` powered PHP-lint extension for Brackets
This extension works using `php -l` command
PHP.net Doc0.1.012437
Brackets Extension to consult the php.net documentation
Dream PHP1.0.09859
A dream theme that simulates PHP coloring scheme of Dreamweaver
来自 http://brackets.dnbard.com/search/php