欢迎各位兄弟 发布技术文章
Square、Flat、Polaris 和 Futurico 皮肤参考了Designmodo's UI packs。
<label> <input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled> Foo </label> <label for="baz[1]">Bar</label> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked> <label for="baz[2]">Bar</label> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]">
<label> <div class="icheckbox disabled"><input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled></div> Foo </label> <label for="baz[1]">Bar</label> <div class="iradio checked"><input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked></div> <label for="baz[2]">Bar</label> <div class="iradio"><input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]"></div>
{ // 'checkbox' or 'radio' to style only checkboxes or radio buttons, both by default handle: '', // base class added to customized checkboxes checkboxClass: 'icheckbox', // base class added to customized radio buttons radioClass: 'iradio', // class added on checked state (input.checked = true) checkedClass: 'checked', // if not empty, used instead of 'checkedClass' option (input type specific) checkedCheckboxClass: '', checkedRadioClass: '', // if not empty, added as class name on unchecked state (input.checked = false) uncheckedClass: '', // if not empty, used instead of 'uncheckedClass' option (input type specific) uncheckedCheckboxClass: '', uncheckedRadioClass: '', // class added on disabled state (input.disabled = true) disabledClass: 'disabled', // if not empty, used instead of 'disabledClass' option (input type specific) disabledCheckboxClass: '', disabledRadioClass: '', // if not empty, added as class name on enabled state (input.disabled = false) enabledClass: '', // if not empty, used instead of 'enabledClass' option (input type specific) enabledCheckboxClass: '', enabledRadioClass: '', // class added on hover state (pointer is moved onto an input) hoverClass: 'hover', // class added on focus state (input has gained focus) focusClass: 'focus', // class added on active state (mouse button is pressed on an input) activeClass: 'active', // adds hoverClass to customized input on label hover and labelHoverClass to label on input hover labelHover: true, // class added to label if labelHover set to true labelHoverClass: 'hover', // increase clickable area by given % (negative number to decrease) increaseArea: '', // true to set 'pointer' CSS cursor over enabled inputs and 'default' over disabled cursor: false, // set true to inherit original input's class name inheritClass: false, // if set to true, input's id is prefixed with 'iCheck-' and attached inheritID: false, // add HTML code or text inside customized input insert: '' }
$('input').iCheck({ labelHover: false, cursor: true });
首先引入jQuery v1.7+ (或 Zepto),然后引入jquery.icheck.js (或者zepto.icheck.js) 。
// customize all inputs (will search for checkboxes and radio buttons) $('input').iCheck(); // handle inputs only inside $('.block') $('.block input').iCheck(); // handle only checkboxes inside $('.test') $('.test input').iCheck({ handle: 'checkbox' }); // handle .vote class elements (will search inside the element, if it's not an input) $('.vote').iCheck(); // you can also change options after inputs are customized $('input.some').iCheck({ // different options });
事件名称 | 使用时机 |
ifClicked | 用户点击了自定义的输入框或与其相关联的label |
ifChanged | 输入框的 checked 或 disabled 状态改变了 |
ifChecked | 输入框的状态变为 checked |
ifUnchecked | checked 状态被移除 |
ifDisabled | 输入框状态变为 disabled |
ifEnabled | disabled 状态被移除 |
ifCreated | 输入框被应用了iCheck样式 |
ifDestroyed | iCheck样式被移除 |
$('input').on('ifChecked', function(event){ alert(event.type + ' callback'); });
ifCreated 事件应该在插件初始化之前绑定。
$('input').iCheck('check'); — 将输入框的状态设置为checked
$('input').iCheck('uncheck'); — 移除 checked 状态
$('input').iCheck('toggle'); — toggle checked state
$('input').iCheck('disable'); — 将输入框的状态设置为 disabled
$('input').iCheck('enable'); — 移除 disabled 状态
$('input').iCheck('update'); — apply input changes, which were done outside the plugin
$('input').iCheck('destroy'); — 移除iCheck样式
还有一些利用 CSS3 技术给复选框和单选按钮设置样式的途径。例如。下面列出了此类方法的限制和不足:
While CSS3 method is quite limited solution, iCheck is made to be an everyday replacement covering most of the tasks.
iCheck已经在 Internet Explorer 6+、Firefox 2+、Opera 9+、Google Chrome 和 Safari 浏览器上被验证过,并且应该可以再更多浏览器上工作。
移动浏览器(例如 Opera mini、 Chrome mobile、 Safari mobile 和其它浏览器) 也被支持。已经在 iOS (iPad、 iPhone、 iPod)、Android、BlackBerry 和 Windows Phone 设备上进行了测试。