I have a phone_models, phone_problems, and a phone_model_phone_problem pivot table. The pivot table has an extra column 'price'.


class PhoneModel extends \Eloquent
    public function problems()
        return $this->belongsToMany('RL\Phones\Entities\PhoneProblem')->withPivot('price');


class PhoneProblem extends \Eloquent
    public function models()
        return $this->belongsToMany('PhoneModel')->withPivot('price');

What I'm trying to do is get the price of a specific phone with a specific problem.

This is how I have it now but I feel like Laravel has a built in Eloquent feature I can't find to do this in a much simpler way:

$model = $this->phoneService->getModelFromSlug($model_slug);
$problem = $this->phoneService->getProblemFromSlug($problem_slug);

all this does is select the specific model and problem from their slug.

then what I do is with those credentials I get the price like so:

$row = DB::table('phone_model_phone_problem')
->where('phone_model_id', '=', $model->id)
->where('phone_problem', '=', $problem->id)

so now I can get the price like so $row->price but I feel like there needs to be a much easier and more 'Laravel' way to do this.

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When using Many to Many relationships with Eloquent, the resulting model automatically gets a pivot attribute assigned. Through that attribute you're able to access pivot table columns. Although by default there are only the keys in the pivot object. To get your columns in there too, you need to specify them when defining the relationship:

return $this->belongsToMany('Role')->withPivot('foo', 'bar');

Official Docs

If you need more help the task of configuring the relationships with Eloquent, let me know.


To query the price do this

$model->problems()->where('phone_problem', $problem->id)->first()->pivot->price
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I already set up the relationship I'm trying to retrieve it – Rodrigo Oct 25 '14 at 20:11
I updated my question for you to see my relationships – Rodrigo Oct 25 '14 at 20:12
@user3666882 Thanks, I've updated my answer too – lukasgeiter Oct 25 '14 at 20:20
thanks man appreciate that – Rodrigo Oct 25 '14 at 20:26
Could someone show how to query a pivot table based on an extra column, such as price in this example from above $model->problems()->where('phone_problem', $problem->id)->first()->pivot->price – Brent Connor Sep 1 '15 at 12:45

To get data from pivot table:

$price = $model->problems()->findOrFail($problem->id, ['phone_problem'])->pivot->price;

Or if you have many records with different price:

$price = $model->problems()->where('phone_problem', $problem->id)->firstOrFail()->pivot->price;

In addition.

To update data in the pivot you can go NEW WAY:

$model->problems()->sync([$problemId => [ 'price' => $newPrice] ], false); 

Where 2nd param set to false means, that you don't detach all the other related models.

Or, go old way

$model->problems()->updateExistingPivot($problemId, ['price' => $newPrice]);

And remind you:

To delete:


To create new:

$model->problems()->attach($problemId, ['price' => 22]);

It has been tested and proved working in Laravel 5.1 Read more.

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