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In your .module file, implement "hook_theme", as seen here...
function mymodule_theme() {
return array(
'bio-content' => array(
'template' => 'bio-content', // name of the template file, minus the '.tpl.php'
// these are the template variables that will available to your template
'variables' => array(
'myvar1' => NULL, // you will be able to use $myvar1 as a PHP variable in your 'bio-content.tpl.php' file
'myvar2' => NULL,
'myobj' => NULL,
Later in your .module file, implement hook_menu (maps URL paths to page callbacks, forms, etc)
function mymodule_menu() {
return array(
# http://yourdrupsite/mypage is handled here
'mypage' => array(
'page callback' => 'mymodule_page_callback',
'title' => 'A Title of Your Choosing', // you can also use 'drupal_set_title()' inside your page callback to achieve the effect
'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, // this is the default value for a menu entry
'access callback' => TRUE, // this could also be a function that returns TRUE or FALSE
In your .module file, create the 'page callback' function defined in your hook_menu implementation
function mymodule_page_callback() {
// $page is an array of 'page elements' (see the Form API for a complete list of pre-defined elements)
$page = array();
// gather the data you need to be sent to your template file
// starting with $myvar1 (defined in the hook_theme implementation above ^)
$myvar1 = t('Hello World'); // t() is Drupal's "Translation" function
$myvar2 = array(
'option1' => t('Option 1'),
'option2' => t('This is how we say Hello World in Drupal land!'),
$myobj = new stdClass();
$myobj->thisData = 'This Data';
$myobj->thatData = 'That Data';
// Next, we're going to add a page element that Drupal will render..
$page['bio-content'] = array(
'#theme' => 'bio-content', // this is the theme 'key' defined in 'mymodule_theme',
'#myvar1' => $myvar1, // remember the 'myvar1' variable key...?
'#myvar2' => $myvar2,
'#myobj' => $myobj,
# NOTE: Drupal will correctly parse all array keys that begin with '#' and process them accordingly.
# NOTE 2: The above can also be done like this -- it's a matter of personal taste:
// $page['bio-content'] = theme('bio-content', array('myvar1' => $myvar1, 'myvar2' => $myvar2, 'myobj' => $myobj));
return $page;
Now, we need to create template file. So we'll create a file named "bio-content.tpl.php" and define it as such...
* @file template file for 'bio-content' theme
* Available variables are:
* $myvar1
* $myvar2 (array with the following keys -- 'option1', and 'option2')
* $myobj (object)
<div><?php print $myvar1; ?></div>
<div><?php print $myvar2['option1']; ?></div>
<div><?php print $myobj->thisData; ?></div>
Now that the template file has been created, remember to clear the theme and menu caches.
We worked with simple, developer-defined data above, but what about when data needs to be fetched from a MySQL database? Let's re-visit the page callback function and fetch some data from an arbitrary table.
function mymodule_page_callback() {
$page = array();
// we'll keep myvar1 and myvar2 as-is,
// however, let's use the database to get data for the 'myobj' variable.
// --
// the author prefers 'db_select', but 'db_query' is also effective (and sometimes faster)...
// SELECT a record from the table "arbitrary" where the id = <some value>
$query = db_select('arbitrary','a') // 'a' represents the table alias
->fields('a') // select all the fields (columns) from the table
->condition('arbitrary_id', $arbitrary_id, '='); // the '=' argument is optional as it's the default for the '[SelectQuery::condition](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!database!select.inc/function/SelectQuery::condition/7)' function
$result = $query->execute();
// now fetch the object into the $myobj variable...
$myobj = $result->fetchObject();
// .. rest of the function remains unchanged.
return $page;
But wait -- we just referred to a variable, $arbitrary_id
, that has to come from somewhere, right..? So, we'll make it an argument to the page callback function, like so...
function mymodule_page_callback($arbitrary_id) {
But now, where does that value come from...? Let's revisit the hook_menu
function mymodule_menu() {
return array(
# http://yourdrupsite/mypage is handled here
'mypage' => array(
'page callback' => 'mymodule_page_callback',
'title' => 'A Title of Your Choosing', // you can also use 'drupal_set_title()' inside your page callback to achieve the effect
'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, // this is the default value for a menu entry
'access callback' => TRUE, // this could also be a function that returns TRUE or FALSE
In order to provide a value for $arbitrary_id
, we can address this one of two ways...
We can leave the function as-is, and when Drupal receives a browser request like this --http://yourdrupalsite/mypage/111
-- every additional slug after 'mypage' will be passed to your page callback as a function argument, meaning that 111 will be passed to mymodule_page_callback
as the value in $arbitrary_id
We can specify a 'page argument' inside of our entry in the hook_menu implementation, so let's revisit the function one more time...
function mymodule_menu() {
return array(
# http://yourdrupsite/mypage is handled here
'mypage' => array(
'page callback' => 'mymodule_page_callback',
'page arguments' => array('111'), // any arguments you want to pass to your 'page callback' function
'title' => 'A Title of Your Choosing', // you can also use 'drupal_set_title()' inside your page callback to achieve the effect
'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, // this is the default value for a menu entry
'access callback' => TRUE, // this could also be a function that returns TRUE or FALSE
Notice the additional 'page callback' => array('111')
-- that will result in Drupal passing '111' to your page callback.