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在表单元素的div包装器上更改移除类 Change (remove )class on the div wrapper of a form element 有大用

Is there a way to add or change a class to a form wrapper (the div's) using the form api?

Or is that just done with the theme function ?

If so which theme function is used to change that?

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I'm pretty sure that's a theme function. Which theme function to use is the question. :) – akalata Sep 14 '11 at 0:57
Ah you're right there. – chrisjlee Sep 14 '11 at 1:25
I think you can also use the #attribute key to define a class – Mika A. Sep 14 '11 at 7:25
@Mika A. This only applies to the <input> tag i'd like to change the class of the wrapper (a <div>). – chrisjlee Sep 14 '11 at 18:28

You can override theme_form_element() normally if you want to change the theming globally. If you're interested in modifying just one specific form element then I'm aware of a couple of choices.

  1. You can register a new theme function for the particular type of form element you're interested in (eg. textfield). You then create this theme function (based on the original, eg. theme_textfield()) but that doesn't call theme('form_element', ...) at the end (you could either handle both the wrapper and the element in the one theme function, or you could make a separate wrapper theme function and use that). Finally you add a #theme property to a particular form element, and that element will get your custom theming.

  2. You can create a template file called form_element.tpl.php which just has the default behaviour of theme_form_element() and then use hook_preprocess_form_element() to add a template suggestion. Then you create the new template that matches the suggestion. You often hear people mentioning that templates are slightly slower than functions, and for such a frequently used theme call I can imagine people balking at using a template. I've never done any measurements for this myself however. Also, you need to have enough context at the preprocess stage to be able to make the suggestion.

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Could you provide an example? – chrisjlee Jan 27 '12 at 21:01
@ChrisJ.Lee Do you want to change the wrapper on all elements, or just one particular one? – Andy Jan 28 '12 at 13:07
just a single one. – chrisjlee Feb 1 '12 at 3:23
@chrisjlee I've updated the answer. – Andy Feb 1 '12 at 13:47

I know this is a super old thread, but I'v been learning how to alter form elements and add classes. I got around to making a custom module:

function yourtheme_custom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
   _yourtheme_form_add_wrapper($form['submitted']['yourfieldhere'], array('form-field-some-style', 'not-label', 'whatever-other-styles-you-want'));

function _yourtheme_form_add_wrapper(&$element, $classes = array(), $type = array('form-item', 'form-type-textfield'), $removeTitle = FALSE){
  $element['#prefix'] = '<div class="' . implode(" ", $classes) . '"><div class="' . implode(" ", $type) . '">';
  $element['#suffix'] = '</div></div>';
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This is a good alternative solution - don't add a class to the wrapping div, just wrapping the wrapping div in your own div and they you can apply whatever classes you want. – Felix Eve Feb 11 '14 at 15:10

To Change the "wrapper" you need to override form_element. Basically all form elements get rendered with the form_element theme theme_form_element($element,$value); (form.inc file)

So to change how this renders your form elements you simply copy that function to your template.php folder and rename it to: phptemplate_form_element($element,$value)

now you can make any changes and they will be used instead of the original function

  1. Copy theme_form_element($element,$value); from form.inc
  2. Paste it into (your theme) template.php
  3. rename it to: phptemplate_form_element($element,$value)
  4. clear all theme cache
  5. make whatever changes you want and they will be used.
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Importantly, theme_form_element will only modify the direct parent wrapper div and this may not be the intended target for CSS effects.

[Although not programmatic, if one simply wants to apply a class to a node field's top-wrapper (it's wrapper's, wrapper's, wrapper) one can I suppose use "Field group" module by selecting "Manage Fields" for a particular content type and select "Add new group" as a simple DIV. Then the label can be removed and desired classes assigned to the additional wrapper (but now we have even more wrappers) - with unlimited nesting]

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You could use

'#prefix' => '<div class="new_class">', '#suffix' => '</div>'

and this will wrap it around

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Make wrapper attributes configurable!

Create your own form-element theme function in your theme... sites/all/themes/MY_THEME/theme/form-element.theme.inc

function my_theme_form_element($variables) {
  $element = &$variables['element'];

  $attributes = isset($element['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes']) ?
    $element['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes'] : array();


  $output = '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . "\n";


Then you can do stuff like this...

function my_module_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $form['account']['mail']['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'form-field--inline';
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There are come cases in which neither #prefix/#suffix nor #attributes => array('class') give the desired results. My particular case is adding a class to the ajax-wrapper div around a managed_file element. #prefix/#suffix creates a new container and #attributes/'class'modifies the class of an inner element, not the outermost.

The normal outermost div is just

<div id="edit-doc1--XX-ajax-wrapper">

which is difficult to target in CSS. I can target [id^="edit-doc"] or [id$="-ajax-wrapper"] but both of these target more than just the elements I wanted.

The solution I came up with is to add a #process element to the form and manually manipulate the element's code. Here's the #process attribute added to the form item's declaration:

$form['doc1'] = array(
  '#type' => 'managed_file',
  '#process' => array('mymodule_managed_file_process'),

And here's the mymodule_managed_file_process() function:

function mymodule_managed_file_process($element, &$form_state, $form) {

  // Call the original function to perform its processing.
  $element = file_managed_file_process($element, $form_state, $form);

  // Add our own class for theming.
  $element['#prefix'] = str_replace(
    'class="managed-file-wrapper" id=',

  return $element;

Relying on string substitution isn't very portable, so use str_replace at your own risk. This code, however, does indeed alter the outermost DIV to add the necessary class:

<div class="managed-file-wrapper" id="edit-doc1--XX-ajax-wrapper">
来自  http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/11192/change-class-on-the-div-wrapper-of-a-form-element




我很确定这是一个主题函数。使用哪个主题函数是问题。:) -  akalata 9月14日在'11 0:57
你在那里。 -  chrisjlee 9月14日在'11 1:25
我想你也可以使用#attribute键定义一个类 -  米卡A. 在7:25 9月14日'11
@Mika A.这只适用于<input>标签,我想更改包装器的类(一个<div>)。 -  chrisjlee 9月14日在'11 18:28


  1. 您可以为特定类型的表单元素注册一个新的主题函数(例如textfield)。然后创建这一主题功能(在原有基础上,例如。theme_textfield())但是,这并不叫theme('form_element', ...)末(您既可以同时处理包装,并在一个主题功能的元素,或者你可以做一个独立的包装主题函数并使用)。最后你添加#theme属性,以特定形式元素,该元素将得到您的自定义主题化。

  2. 您可以创建一个名为模板文件form_element.tpl.php刚刚具有的默认行theme_form_element(),然后用hook_preprocess_form_element()添加模板建议。然后,创建与建议匹配的新模板。你经常听到人们提到模板比函数慢一些,对于这样一个经常使用的主题调用,我可以想象人们嘲笑使用模板。我从来没有做过任何这方面的测量。此外,您需要在预处理阶段有足够的上下文,才能提出建议。

你能提供一个例子吗? -  chrisjlee 1月27日在'12 21:01
@ ChrisJ.Lee你想改变所有元素的包装,还是只改变一个特定的? -  安迪· 1月28日在'12 13:07
只是一个单一的。 -  chrisjlee 2月1日在'12 3:23
@chrisjlee我更新了答案。 -  安迪· 2月1日在'12 13:47


function yourtheme_custom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
   _yourtheme_form_add_wrapper($form['submitted']['yourfieldhere'], array('form-field-some-style', 'not-label', 'whatever-other-styles-you-want'));

function _yourtheme_form_add_wrapper(&$element, $classes = array(), $type = array('form-item', 'form-type-textfield'), $removeTitle = FALSE){
  $element['#prefix'] = '<div class="' . implode(" ", $classes) . '"><div class="' . implode(" ", $type) . '">';
  $element['#suffix'] = '</div></div>';
这是一个很好的替代解决方案 - 不要添加一个类到wrap中,只是将wrap包装在你自己的div中,你可以应用任何你想要的类。 -  费利克斯除夕 2月11日在'14 15点10


所以要改变这种渲染表单元素的方式,只需将该函数复制到template.php文件夹,并将其重命名为: phptemplate_form_element($element,$value)


  1. 复制theme_form_element($element,$value);从form.inc
  2. 将其粘贴到(您的主题)template.php
  3. 将其重命名为: phptemplate_form_element($element,$value)
  4. 清除所有主题缓存
  5. 做任何你想要的改变,他们将被使用。


[虽然不是程序化的,如果只是想要将一个类应用到一个节点字段的顶层封装器(它的包装器,包装器,包装器),我可以假设使用“字段组”模块通过选择“管理字段”为特定的内容类型,选择“添加新组”作为一个简单的DIV。然后可以删除标签,并将所需的类分配给附加包装器(但现在我们还有更多的包装器) - 具有无限嵌套]



'#prefix' => '<div class="new_class">', '#suffix' => '</div>'




在您的主题中创建自己的表单元素主题函数... sites/all/themes/MY_THEME/theme/form-element.theme.inc

function my_theme_form_element($variables) {
  $element = &$variables['element'];

  $attributes = isset($element['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes']) ?
    $element['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes'] : array();


  $output = '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . "\n";



function my_module_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $form['account']['mail']['#my_theme_wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'form-field--inline';

有来的情况,即既不#prefix/#suffix也不#attributes => array('class')得到所需的结果。我的具体情况是在managed_file元素周围的ajax-wrapper div中添加一个类。 #prefix/#suffix创建一个新的容器和#attributes/'class'修改类的内部元件,而不是最外部的。


<div id="edit-doc1--XX-ajax-wrapper">



$form['doc1'] = array(
  '#type' => 'managed_file',
  '#process' => array('mymodule_managed_file_process'),


function mymodule_managed_file_process($element, &$form_state, $form) {

  // Call the original function to perform its processing.
  $element = file_managed_file_process($element, $form_state, $form);

  // Add our own class for theming.
  $element['#prefix'] = str_replace(
    'class="managed-file-wrapper" id=',

  return $element;


<div class="managed-file-wrapper" id="edit-doc1--XX-ajax-wrapper">
    $form['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'your-class-name');


然后你将如何修改div的类呢?上面的代码改变了<input />标签的类。 -  chrisjlee 9月14日在'11 18:28


这个答案在这里提出的具体问题是错误的。 -  doublejosh 03月18日0:15时
