Note that I merely placed Table.php in the include directory and renamed to so I did not really replace one file with the other. But it works now.
$ tar zxvf Console_Table-1.1.3.tgz x package.xml
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/assoziative_arrays.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/colors.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/filters.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/multibyte.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/multiline.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/no_header.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/no_rows.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/tests/rules.phpt
x Console_Table-1.1.3/Table.php
FYI… when I changed the permissions so that my user account may execute the drush scripts, this error went away. Maybe when a user explicitly overwrites the table file, it seems like she's fixing the problem, but she's merely setting the perms to what they should be? I didn't have to download any files to remove this error. I'd say this is the case if you're using sudo for your pear commands.
Drush will download the lib if needed and as the sudo command has been specified, you'll have correct rights. After, as the lib has been downloaded, drush run without any problems.
Had the same problem. After apparently successful PEAR install, attemps to Drush would simply hang and do nothing.
So I ran "drush --verbose" which showed that wget was unable to download Console_Table for the installation process. Turned out that the IP range for that download center had been blocked in my firewall ( because so many hackers originate in those foreign addresses.
Unblocked the address range, then ran "drush help", and the installation completed.
Obviously, this problem could have a variety of causes, but not being able to connect to the PEAR download center is probably a common one. In my case, the problem was self-inflicted due to liberal security management.
I therefore agree that this ISSUE is FIXED. That is, there seems to be no "real" issue!
ferdinand.soethe CreditAttribution: ferdinand.soethe commentedThis suggestion by perrymanson fixed the problem:
Note that I merely placed Table.php in the include directory and renamed to so I did not really replace one file with the other. But it works now.
robertDouglass CreditAttribution: robertDouglass commentedTo confirm and clarify:
Unpack the Console_Table tarball:
Copy Table.php into drush/includes/
imadalin CreditAttribution: imadalin commentedi used pear to install the Console_Table and copied /usr/share/php/Console_Table/Table.php to /%path_to_drush%/includes/
(it's a easy way to get fast the latest stable/unstable files from PEAR)
drecute CreditAttribution: drecute commented#3 works for me.
Comment#6 CreditAttribution: commentedHI
Console_Table there is'n in this link!this link get 404 error!
where can I download this package?
Screenack CreditAttribution: Screenack commentedFYI… when I changed the permissions so that my user account may execute the drush scripts, this error went away. Maybe when a user explicitly overwrites the table file, it seems like she's fixing the problem, but she's merely setting the perms to what they should be? I didn't have to download any files to remove this error. I'd say this is the case if you're using sudo for your pear commands.
For the record I did:
(where jsmith is your user account name)
On a CentOS 5 server
kenyob CreditAttribution: kenyob commentedThe link to the package above is not working:
Where else can I get it?
I found a link here:
But Im not sure if its the right one for the MAC OSX.
olmeta.david CreditAttribution: olmeta.david commentedThere is another solution : sudo drush
Drush will download the lib if needed and as the sudo command has been specified, you'll have correct rights.
After, as the lib has been downloaded, drush run without any problems.
SandPond CreditAttribution: SandPond commentedHad the same problem. After apparently successful PEAR install, attemps to Drush would simply hang and do nothing.
So I ran "drush --verbose" which showed that wget was unable to download Console_Table for the installation process. Turned out that the IP range for that download center had been blocked in my firewall ( because so many hackers originate in those foreign addresses.
Unblocked the address range, then ran "drush help", and the installation completed.
Obviously, this problem could have a variety of causes, but not being able to connect to the PEAR download center is probably a common one. In my case, the problem was self-inflicted due to liberal security management.
I therefore agree that this ISSUE is FIXED. That is, there seems to be no "real" issue!
alex.designworks CreditAttribution: alex.designworks as a volunteer commentedDrush 7 and 8 resolve dependencies using composer that resolves any PEAR deps in it's own way using mirrors etc.
Rob C CreditAttribution: Rob C commentedsudo pear install Console_Table
and it works again.
dx007 CreditAttribution: dx007 commented#3 Works for me using drush version 4.0-rc9 on centos.