
Laravel Breadcrumbs is no longer maintained. Please see the README for more details.

Defining Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs will usually correspond to actions or types of page. For each breadcrumb you specify a name, the breadcrumb title and the URL to link it to. Since these are likely to change dynamically, you do this in a closure, and you pass any variables you need into the closure.

The following examples should make it clear:

Static pages

The most simple breadcrumb is probably going to be your homepage, which will look something like this:

Breadcrumbs::register('home', function($breadcrumbs) {
    $breadcrumbs->push('Home', route('home'));

As you can see, you simply call $breadcrumbs->push($title, $url) inside the closure.

For generating the URL, you can use any of the standard Laravel URL-generation methods, including:

  • url('path/to/route') (URL::to())
  • secure_url('path/to/route')
  • route('routename') or route('routename', 'param') or route('routename', ['param1', 'param2'])(URL::route())
  • action('controller@action') (URL::action())
  • Or just pass a string URL ('http://www.example.com/')

This example would be rendered like this:


Nested categories

Finally if you have nested categories or other special requirements, you can call $breadcrumbs->push() multiple times:

Breadcrumbs::register('category', function($breadcrumbs, $category) {

    foreach ($category->ancestors as $ancestor) {
        $breadcrumbs->push($ancestor->title, route('category', $ancestor->id));

    $breadcrumbs->push($category->title, route('category', $category->id));

Alternatively you could make a recursive function such as this:

Breadcrumbs::register('category', function($breadcrumbs, $category) {
    if ($category->parent)
        $breadcrumbs->parent('category', $category->parent);

    $breadcrumbs->push($category->title, route('category', $category->slug));

Both would be rendered like this: