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报告人: | 拥有者: | ||
里程碑: | 正在等待审核 | 优先: | 正常 |
严重性: | 正常 | 版: | 3.2.1 |
零件: | 引导/负载 | 关键词: | has-patch dev-feedback |
Neil Miller
zx @ ...
这是可以在抄写簿上记录的东西,但是还没有太多的可以说或完成,不同的服务器配置将会影响不同的应用程序 - 大多数用户甚至不知道zlib是什么..
有没有我们可以不使用原因的ini_set()打开相应的值关在wp_ob_end_flush_all() ?
ini_set('zlib.output_handler',''); ini_set('zlib.output_compression',0); ini_set('output_handler',''); ini_set('output_buffering',false); ini_set('implicit_flush',true);
ini_set('zlib.output_handler',''); ini_set('zlib.output_compression',0);
ini_set('output_handler',''); ini_set('output_buffering',false); ini_set('implicit_flush',true);
尽管我认为,似乎ini_set('zlib.output_handler',''); 确实做了分组说的话,也可以在页面加载的任何一点调用它。
对于$ disable_compression,我们应该能够处理一次每页负载,如果函数调用,我们现在要刷新,不需要它是一个变量。如果我们在函数中使用一个静态变量,我们可以确保我们只能对每个页面加载一次额外的处理。
尽管我认为,似乎ini_set('zlib.output_handler',''); 确实做了分组说的话,也可以在页面加载的任何一点调用它。
对于$ disable_compression,我们应该能够处理一次每页负载,如果函数调用,我们现在要刷新,不需要它是一个变量。如果我们在函数中使用一个静态变量,我们可以确保我们只能对每个页面加载一次额外的处理。
虽然这个功能被注册为关机挂钩。我们并不总是想使用$ disable_compression标志,对吧?只是当绝对有必要提供即时反馈?
很高兴你质疑了这一点。我可以用眼睛。从我的研究中,它看起来像apache2使用chunked编码为任何HTTP 1.1响应,除非你指定一个内容长度标题,否则你不能关闭它。由于输出不是手头已知的,这是不可能的。
从我的测试(apache2 / mod_php)看,它似乎正在缓冲输出,甚至拉出这个补丁中的所有其他技巧。发送一个4K字节的空字节不应该对输出有任何影响,但确实使得响应变得更加快速。
Microsoft Internet Explorer的某些版本只有在接收到256字节的输出后才会开始显示该页面,因此您可能需要在刷新之前发送额外的空格以使这些浏览器显示该页面。
虽然这个功能被注册为关机挂钩。我们并不总是想使用$ disable_compression标志,对吧?只是当绝对有必要提供即时反馈?
从我的测试(apache2 / mod_php)看,它似乎正在缓冲输出,甚至拉出这个补丁中的所有其他技巧。发送一个4K字节的空字节不应该对输出有任何影响,但确实使得响应变得更加快速。
补丁回复[11020] - 就是说,不知道原来的通知很难说。
发现一个奇怪的错误,但Opera无法处理nullbytes ..或至少,当它是源代码的一部分,在HTML注释标签,他们没事。我相信我已经看到一个类似于Safari的错误,其中一个空字节在一个块边界上,它可能导致页面的其余部分“丢失”(只是没有渲染)。(我会链接一个例子,但是我无法在我的vps上运行一个5+的第二个脚本,搜索引擎会击中:))
foreach(range(1,5)as $ i){ echo $ i。'<br />'; echo'<! - '。str_repeat(chr(0),4096))。' - >'; 睡眠(2); }
发现一个奇怪的错误,但Opera无法处理nullbytes ..或至少,当它是源代码的一部分,在HTML注释标签,他们没事。我相信我已经看到一个类似于Safari的错误,其中一个空字节在一个块边界上,它可能导致页面的其余部分“丢失”(只是没有渲染)。
改为补丁,只是发出<! - - >一次。我已经看到了不同的方法...一些使用一个大的html评论,一些喜欢空格,一些使用小的评论等。 这个补丁使用字母表。
固定。WP在任何地方生成文档?我认为这些块对于读者来说更有意义,但我同意phpdoc / docblox / etc。不会拾起他们。
E_ALL(嗯,这并不重要,WordPress的WP_DEBUG覆盖了PHP错误报告级别),启用了zlib PHP压缩。ob_get_level()将返回> 1,ob_end_flush()不能关闭该样式的输出缓冲区。您可能还需要运行PHP 5.3,因为我也看过其他报告,php 5.3 + zlib是我知道的唯一组合
改为补丁,只是发出<! - - >一次。
个人而言,我喜欢<! - NULLNULL .. - >,因为我测试的浏览器在源视图中不包含一吨额外的标记(因为空字节字符不能显示)。只要它在一个HTML标签/注释中,浏览器似乎正确地处理它。
启用zlib PHP压缩。ob_get_level()将返回> 1,ob_end_flush()不能关闭该样式的输出缓冲区。
您可能还需要运行PHP 5.3,因为我也看过其他报告,php 5.3 + zlib是我知道的唯一组合
尝试使用WP_DEBUG在5.3上与apache 2.2在两台不同的机器上运行。我无法重现您所看到的通知。你运行在cgi / suphp / fastcgi设置下?
个人而言,我喜欢<! - NULLNULL .. - >,因为我测试的浏览器在源视图中不包含一吨额外的标记
在我的测试网站上,一个插件更新在iframe中生成> 11K的输出。看起来很安全。
我在野外看到一些wpshell / wp-cli项目?如果这个补丁包含一些代码来包装检查以确保sapi不是CLI的4K回显?还是那个太细了?
if('cli'!= php_sapi_name(){ echo'<! - '。str_repeat(chr(0),4089))。' - >'; // 4096个字节 }
你运行在cgi / suphp / fastcgi设置下吗?
启用zlib PHP压缩。ob_get_level()将返回> 1,ob_end_flush()不能关闭该样式的输出缓冲区。
登录页面的底部以及ajax加载是我看到的主要位置。最终,@ob_end_clean(); 可能是最好的解决方案。
我在野外看到一些wpshell / wp-cli项目?如果这个补丁包含一些代码来包装检查以确保sapi不是CLI的4K回显?
登录页面的底部以及ajax加载是我看到的主要位置。最终,@ob_end_clean(); 可能是最好的解决方案。
我使用ob_list_handlers(),ob_get_status()和ob_get_length()来进一步看这个。看起来缓冲区中有数据(ob_get_length()返回> 0),ob_end_flush()结束缓冲(ob_get_level()不会导致无限循环),并将数据放在线上(您可以看到它在屏幕),但是它没有完全刷新缓冲区,因为数据没有从缓冲区中成功删除,因此通知。
最终,@ob_end_clean(); 可能是最好的解决方案。
我通过使用ob_start(“ob_gzhandler”)堆叠mod_deflate进行测试后,提交补丁的重构版本; 。 ob_gzhandler发送自己的标题,所以它不是可以编码的东西。
参考:http: //us.php.net/ob_gzhandler 第二到最后的评论
使用trunk r21645,PHP 5.4.4发布以下通知:
======================== 解决方案1 ====================
if(!is_admin())ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); //因为在管理页面中,它会导致插件安装冻结
======================== 解决方案2 ====================
但在这种情况下阅读笔记:https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/22430#comment : 4
Reported by: | Owned by: | ||
Milestone: | Awaiting Review | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.2.1 |
Component: | Bootstrap/Load | Keywords: | has-patch dev-feedback |
If zlib.output_compression is "on" in server (my vps server), then auto-update works, but without verbose output or any indication that install has succeeded.
This error is consistent for all auto-updates WordPress Application and all plugins.
It is NOT a plugin conflict. Occurs on different servers.
Testing has confirmed that when zlib.output_compression is returned to "off", then updates work as expected.
In my opinion this is a minor bug and probably a note in the readme file will suffice.
Thank You,
Neil Miller
Possibly related: #18239
If zlib.output_compression is "on" in server (my vps server), then auto-update works, but without verbose output or any indication that install has succeeded.
You should still see all the messages, and that it's completed.
zlib at the PHP, or server level, has the disadvantage that it creates an output buffer, and waits for the entire page to be generated before it can send it to the client, as a result, The page is never delivered to the browser until WordPress has finished the updates. You should however, see the page once it finishes generating.. Are you seeing something different?
This is something that could be documented on the codex, but there isn't really much more that can be said or done, different server configurations will affect different applications differently - Most users will not even know what zlib is..
Is there a reason we can't use ini_set() to turn the appropriate values off in wp_ob_end_flush_all() ?
Untested example:
ini_set('zlib.output_handler', ''); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0); ini_set('output_handler', ''); ini_set('output_buffering', false); ini_set('implicit_flush', true);
Minor testing indicates that these two lines cause a "headers already sent" warning:
ini_set('zlib.output_handler', ''); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
After removing them, the modified example looks like:
ini_set('output_handler', ''); ini_set('output_buffering', false); ini_set('implicit_flush', true);
18525.diff will disable gzip (on apache2, IIS not tested) and php's zlib compression. It will also send a 4K block of null bytes in an attempt to defeat chunking. There doesn't seem to be any other way to force apache2 to stop chunking output without sending a content-length header.
There's also a modification to force theme/plugin updates to flush immediately after each step.
Any reason for ob_get_flush() over ob_end_flush()?
Despite what I thought, it appears that ini_set('zlib.output_handler', ''); does indeed do what the packet says, and it can be called at any point of the pageload too.
as for $disable_compression, we should be able to process that once per page load, if the function's called, we want to flush now, no need for it to be a variable.. If we use a static variable within the function, we can make sure that we only do that extra processing once per pageload too.
Do you have a document/reference which explains the 4k null bytes? Given that'll be output during the middle of the pageload, I'm not entirely sure what that achieves? or is it to just push it over the block boundary so a chunk is sent to the browser rather than waiting for the next?
Replying to dd32:
Any reason for ob_get_flush() over ob_end_flush()?
Thanks, good catch. This was from an earlier version of the code.
Despite what I thought, it appears that ini_set('zlib.output_handler', ''); does indeed do what the packet says, and it can be called at any point of the pageload too.
As long as you're not currently buffering output. Otherwise, you can never clear the output buffer properly. This is from my own experience and from the first comment here.
as for $disable_compression, we should be able to process that once per page load, if the function's called, we want to flush now, no need for it to be a variable.. If we use a static variable within the function, we can make sure that we only do that extra processing once per pageload too.
This function is registered as a shutdown hook, though. We don't always want to use the $disable_compression flag, right? Just when it's absolutely necessary to give instant feedback?
Do you have a document/reference which explains the 4k null bytes? Given that'll be output during the middle of the pageload, I'm not entirely sure what that achieves? or is it to just push it over the block boundary so a chunk is sent to the browser rather than waiting for the next?
Glad you questioned this. I can use eyes on it. From my research, it looks like apache2 uses chunked encoding for any HTTP 1.1 response and you can't turn it off unless you specify a content-length header. Since the output isn't known before-hand, this isn't possible.
From my testing (apache2 / mod_php), it does seem like the output is being buffered, even pulling out all of the other tricks in this patch. Sending a 4K block of null bytes shouldn't have any affect on the output, but does make the responses feel snappier.
There could also be a buffer in the browser that needs to be filled before output is rendered. As noted on php.net:
Some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer will only start to display the page after they have received 256 bytes of output, so you may need to send extra whitespace before flushing to get those browsers to display the page.
Generally, for WordPress pages, the 256 byte limit will be reached, but browser-buffering is a concept I wanted to keep in mind.
This function is registered as a shutdown hook, though. We don't always want to use the $disable_compression flag, right? Just when it's absolutely necessary to give instant feedback?
I wasn't aware of that.. Seems rather useless in all honesty.. I'm sure there's a reason for it though.
From my testing (apache2 / mod_php), it does seem like the output is being buffered, even pulling out all of the other tricks in this patch. Sending a 4K block of null bytes shouldn't have any affect on the output, but does make the responses feel snappier.
I'll do some testing on a stand-alone script, see what I can come up with. Usually a few loops, well placed sleep()'s will give you a explanation as to what's happening where..
The patch reverts [11020] - that being said, without knowing the original Notice it's hard to tell.
Trunk will currently emmit a Notice: Notice: ob_end_flush() [ref.outcontrol]: failed to delete buffer zlib output compression when that function is called, your code/reverted code will produce it too, just hide it from display.
I've played with it a bit, and it certainly helps push the content out in all configurations where some form of buffering is in use.
Found a weird bug though, Opera can't handle the nullbytes.. or at least, not when it's part of the source, within HTML comment tags they're fine. I believe I've seen a similar bug for Safari, where a Null byte is on a chunk boundary, it can cause the rest of the page to be "lost" (just not rendered). (I'd link to an example, but I can't afford to have a 5+ second script running on my vps that search engines will hit :))
Outputting the Nullbytes within HTML comments appears to get around it:
foreach ( range(1, 5) as $i ) { echo $i . '<br />'; echo '<!--' . str_repeat(chr(0), 4096) . '-->'; sleep(2); }
4k does appear to be the correct sizing to use for Apache's chunked handler as well, and should serve to be large enough for other web servers hopefully.
also note, PHPDoc can't be parsed when it's inline like that I don't believe, so best to puts @links in the function docs rather than inline.
Replying to dd32:
The patch reverts [11020]
Fixed. Thanks.
Trunk will currently emmit a Notice: Notice: ob_end_flush() [ref.outcontrol]: failed to delete buffer zlib output compression when that function is called, your code/reverted code will produce it too, just hide it from display.
I'm not able to reproduce this even using E_ALL. What setup are you using?
Found a weird bug though, Opera can't handle the nullbytes.. or at least, not when it's part of the source, within HTML comment tags they're fine. I believe I've seen a similar bug for Safari, where a Null byte is on a chunk boundary, it can cause the rest of the page to be "lost" (just not rendered).
Changed the patch to just emit <!-- -> a bunch of times instead. I've seen different approaches to this ... some use one big html comment, some prefer whitespace, some use small comments, etc. This patch uses the alphabet.
also note, PHPDoc can't be parsed when it's inline like that I don't believe, so best to puts @links in the function docs rather than inline.
Fixed. Does WP generate documentation anywhere? I thought these blocks made more sense to the reader inline, but I agree that phpdoc/docblox/etc. wouldn't pick up on them.
Just for reference, I did come across a case of chromium doing some buffering up to 512 bytes before rendering. It looks like this is for mime type sniffing.
It seems like this is a known issue in the ajax handler, which sends the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header.
I'm not able to reproduce this even using E_ALL. What setup are you using?
E_ALL (Well, that doesn't really matter, WordPress's WP_DEBUG overrides the PHP error reporting level) with zlib PHP compression enabled. ob_get_level() will return > 1, and ob_end_flush() can't turn off that style of output buffer. You may also need to be running PHP 5.3 as I've seen other reports about it too, php 5.3+zlib is the only combination that i'm aware of amongst them
Changed the patch to just emit <!-- -> a bunch of times instead.
Personally I prefered <!-- NULLNULL.. --> as that way the browsers I tested don't include a tonne of extra markup in the source view (Since the null byte character can't be displayed). As long as it's within a HTML tag/comment browsers seem to handle it properly.
Fixed. Does WP generate documentation anywhere?
I did come across a case of chromium doing some buffering up to 512 bytes before rendering.
Might be worth checking that the headers of the plugin upgrader iframes have at least 512bytes of length before it outputs the steps then, but it's an old bug, so hopefully doesn't affect any current generation browsers.
Replying to dd32:
E_ALL (Well, that doesn't really matter, WordPress's WP_DEBUG overrides the PHP error reporting level)
Ha. Missed that, thanks.
with zlib PHP compression enabled. ob_get_level() will return > 1, and ob_end_flush() can't turn off that style of output buffer.
The buffer flush at the top of the function should solve this. That way the buffer is empty before zlib is turned off. According to the docs I've seen, that's the correct order of operations.
You may also need to be running PHP 5.3 as I've seen other reports about it too, php 5.3+zlib is the only combination that i'm aware of amongst them
Tried running with WP_DEBUG on on 5.3 with apache 2.2 on two different machines. I cannot reproduce the notice you're seeing. Are you running under a cgi/suphp/fastcgi setup?
Personally I prefered <!-- NULLNULL.. --> as that way the browsers I tested don't include a tonne of extra markup in the source view
Changed. Also added a link to this thread for anyone who reads the code and scratches their head.
Might be worth checking that the headers of the plugin upgrader iframes have at least 512bytes of length before it outputs the steps then
On my test site, one plugin update generated > 11K of output in the iframe. Looks like it's safe.
I've seen some wpshell / wp-cli projects in the wild ... should this patch include some code to wrap the 4K echo that checks to make sure the sapi isn't CLI? Or is that just too detailed?
if ('cli' != php_sapi_name() { echo '<!--' . str_repeat(chr(0), 4089) . '-->'; // 4096 bytes }
Are you running under a cgi/suphp/fastcgi setup?
That could be it, I'm running a FastCGI setup here.
with zlib PHP compression enabled. ob_get_level() will return > 1, and ob_end_flush() can't turn off that style of output buffer.
The buffer flush at the top of the function should solve this. That way the buffer is empty before zlib is turned off. According to the docs I've seen, that's the correct order of operations.
The bottom of the login page, as well as ajax loads are the main locations I see it. Ultimately, @ob_end_clean(); might be the best solution unfortunately.
I've seen some wpshell / wp-cli projects in the wild ... should this patch include some code to wrap the 4K echo that checks to make sure the sapi isn't CLI?
If anything was included of that, I'd return from the function early (ie. before your additional disable cache IF block)
Replying to dd32:
The bottom of the login page, as well as ajax loads are the main locations I see it. Ultimately, @ob_end_clean(); might be the best solution unfortunately.
Thanks. The ajax pages made the notices show up for me. I was focused on the main pages and the installer/updater pages.
I used ob_list_handlers(), ob_get_status(), and ob_get_length() to look at this a bit further. It looks like there is data in the buffer (ob_get_length() returns > 0) and ob_end_flush() does end buffering (ob_get_level() doesn't result in an infinite loop) and put the data on the wire (you see it on the screen), but it doesn't completely flush the buffer because the data isn't successfully deleted from the buffer, hence the notice.
Ultimately, @ob_end_clean(); might be the best solution unfortunately.
I agree. I don't see a way to code around this. I couldn't find anything in php.net comments or on google either.
I'm submitting a refactored version of the patch after testing it by stacking mod_deflate with with ob_start("ob_gzhandler");. ob_gzhandler sends its own headers, so it's not something that can be coded around.
Reference: http://us.php.net/ob_gzhandler second-to-last comment
if you call ob_end_clean() after ob_start("ob_gzhandler"), the "Content-Encoding: gzip" header will still get sent (assuming the browser supports the encoding). if you don't call ob_start() again with the ob_gzhandler callback function, the output will not be compressed, but the header will say it is. this causes mozilla (as of build 2002032808) to display a blank page.
With trunk r21645 the following notice is issued with PHP 5.4.4:
PHP Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (0) in /.../trunk/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2508
18525.6.diff avoids the notice.
#22430 was marked as a duplicate.
#22430 was marked as a duplicate.
#22430 was marked as a duplicate.
We should investigate if calling wp_ob_end_flush_all() is necessary anymore. If I recall correctly, this was to partially work around object destruction ordering weirdness in PHP 4 versus PHP 5.
SOLUTIONS I have came across so far:
======================== SOLUTION 1 ====================
In plugins (or somewhere) you probably have this code:
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '1');
so, I replaced that code with
if (!is_admin()) ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); //because, in admin pages, it causes plugin installation freezing
and Compression will be remained still ON.
======================== SOLUTION 2 ====================
You may have to use:
remove_action( 'shutdown', 'wp_ob_end_flush_all', 1 );
but read notes in such case: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/22430#comment:4
I have the same problem with PHP 7.0
来自 https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18525